Mother Tasered Twice By Cops After Leaving Baby In Car While She Went Tanning

Mother Tasered Twice By Cops After Leaving Baby In Car While She Went Tanning


Ashley Agerenza tried to take her seven-month-old baby into Extreme Tan and Smoothies (real place) with her, only to find that infants weren’t welcome. So she did what any desperately pale mother would do: locked that baby in the car by herself with the engine running, attacked the cop who tried to arrest her for negligence, and got two Taser blasts for her trouble.


And yes, this all happened in Florida. [Daily Mail via Nick Bilton]

The question of the day is WWS? (Would Wayne Smash?)

Edit: This seems as appropriate as ever


i would def smash her loose pussy

id smash , but serves the latin whoreeee right for doin that

GTL > baby.

someone should prob open a tanning salon w a nursery.

I’d definitely fucking smash. Creampie FTW.

I’m with Wayne on this one. And if the story is any indicator of how she gets down, that could mean I’d be with Wayne on her too.

TAG TEAM, back again!!!

:rofl @ Wayne and Cossey.

“Hey baby, ever seen the Eiffel Tower?”

personally I think they should taser her a few more times for being a dumb bitch.