Motorcycle chase, v.City of Tonawanda (7/25/2007)

Took the wife and the baby out fishing with me tonight, and on our way home from the Niawanda boat launch I hear a siren behind us on Niagara St, heading toward 265, just past Mississippi Mudds. I can’t see him, so I’m signaling and slowing pulling over. He shoots up some side road lights and siren going, we continue on.

Get to the light at Niagara/265, unmarked cop does a siren blip and blows around us on the outside, cuts us off, and heads up 265, same way we’re heading. At this point I can see another cop car hauling ass up a road parallel with 265. They disappear into the residential area.

I say to Jen, “Must be chasing someone”. She says, “I wonder who”. A few seconds later a sport bike comes hauling ass off Morgan, pulls onto 265, and takes off toward the 290 passing people down the shoulder. There’s our answer.

So I just sit there for a minute, knowing any second a parade of dumb shit townie cops are going to come hauling ass up Morgan pushing their POS Crown Vics well beyond their limit. Sure enough, here comes 3 of them. One plows way wide and almost takes out a car in the oncoming lane. No idea what their hurry is, the bike is in another fucking area code by then.

We try to gun it to see what’s going on, but with the boat in tow and traffic stopping all over it’s pointless. By the time we make it to the 290 we’ve met 3 TPD cars, going the speed limit back to Tonawanda. Pretty sure the bike got away.

Anyone on here? Anyone want to say, “it might have been a guy I know :wink wink:”

what color was the bike :slight_smile:

Not pulling the boat with GTO yet are we?

No idea on the bike. It was a sport bike, and it was a blur. I was more concerned with not having some dumbass Tonwanda PD plow into my truck with my wife and baby girl with me.

It was dark by the time we got off the water. Around 8:45 I said “last cast”, throwing a top water popper, and a large mouth nailed it. Had to take another cast after that. From 8:45 to 9:30 I pulled a large mouth in EVERY SINGLE CAST. I’ve never seen fishing like that. My thumb is all chewed up from taking fish off. :lol:

And no, the GTO has no hitch. If it did we probably could have caught up the cops and passed them, even towing the boat :wink:

just wondering how big were the fish and how many did you catch? what were you using?

They varied a lot in size. Some smaller pound, pound and a half fish, some bigger 2-3 pounders. No monsters, though I had something big on earlier in the night that got away before I could see it. When you’re pulling them in every cast you don’t get too worried about not finding 5+ pounders.

I was throwing a silver and black shad rap, then switched to silver and black tubes. The tubes were great for smallies until the sun went down. Then I found some shallows where the weeds were right up to the surface and fished the edge with a Pop-R because the water was so calm. I happened to drift into an area where the large mouths were feeding on minnows right near the surface and they’d nail the pop-r as soon as it hit the water. I honestly lost count, but I’m not kidding when I said every cast from 8:45 to 9:30. So cast. fight, land, remove 2 treble hooks, repeat. I was thumb holding them by the mouth while taking the hooks out, and my thumb looks like it had a freak acupuncture accident.

Sounds like a good time fishing, I haven’t gone all year. Though im about to go all brad paisley “im gonna miss her” and go soon.

Townie cops are fucking retards, they dont realize that by trying to floor it and catch the dude that they are just putting more innocent lives in danger. Typically if it is just for speeding they should just call it off. Who seriously thinks they can catch a bike on the thruway in a car? Especially if it is congested. :tdown: to dumb asses.

I thought that an act was passed saying police can not chase bikes ever since that sherriff died out in sarratoga or what ever a few years ago.

haha I love getting officers all rialed up when I fly by them…they think they have a chance

I would never intentionally “rial up” a cop on my bike. That’s just asking for it.

Although i’ll admit I’ve avoided being pulled over once or twice…

Thats weird, I must have just missed it. I was at mississippi mudds with a friend but it was a bit earlier in the evening. We left before it was dark. Yes i was on the bike, no i couldnt try to run from the cops, shed cut my nuts off :lol:

Cops are dumb to think they will catch someone on a bike with their pos crown vics. Either the person will know how to ride and they’ll have no chance or the person is newb but will just floor it anyway, either dumping it or gettig away.

Cool story though.

Don’t try that shit in Texas…I know they have spike stripped a bike in Waco before…

At no point did I see TPD remotely near the position where they could have tried the spikes. Aka, constantly behind.

If I was a cop, I would never even bother wasting my time trying to pull a sportbike over.

not all bikers run.
so, unless you try it, you would never know.

my bike was unsucessfully used in a chase.
but that was at nite, and in amherst.

Cops put so many people in danger when they are in pursuit!! They really dont care what is around them, children playing in the front yards, people walking, etc, etc. They become Rosco Peco Train & try to catch the bad guy.(just call it off)

DTKim at it again?

isnt it the town of tonawada?

yup… thats my bike :frowning:

Started in the city, headed into the town.

City of Tonawanda = the area right near the water.
Town of Tonawanda = the area bordering N.Buffalo/Kenmore.

It’s a little more complicated than that, but it gives you a general idea.