Motorcycle Fun Run - OCC in WNY

Pretty sweet. I think I’m going to go the fieldhouse for the unveling. Hopefully it will make it to a TV episode!

right down the street from mah ol lady’s house. I’ll stop down dere :tup:

think my father is riding up thur

i may be going

I’m going.

I’ll be at the field house for sure… if I had a bike I’d ride it.


Snapped some pics of the bike. I’ll post them up a little later once I’m done with the photo album and uploading them. Sometime tonight. I’ll post the link once it’s done.

Just some pics of the bike… I have other pics but I didn’t feel like posting them. There wlso to Saturn Sky’s out front being shown off. I’ll put those up later.

Is that the cheapest bike they could build?
The bikes on the show are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than that thing.

i like this one better

isnt that a Diablo frame…?

The Saturn Sky’s that were out front.


I forgot to mention that that it looks plain because Jim Kelly is going to take the bike down to the Hall Of Fame in August to get a bunch of Hall of Fame guys to autograph it and it will go on eBay and the money raised will go towards the Hunters Hope Foundation. The episode that they shot for this one shuold be on in late August or early September.

they had Paul on channel 4 news this morning

yea this crap caused me to have to wait at the intersection of southwestern and abbot for like 6 straight lights while the cops blocked traffic for 3 million bikes to ride by.

There were so many bikes. It was awesome. :tup:

boo fucking hoo
