Motorcycle Road Test


Dude, don’t be a sissy, I took it on that R6 and passed.

But seriously, take it on the rebel. I didn’t have to do figure 8’s, just two right circles, stop, then 2 lefts. I put my foot down twice and passed. Lol, at the end he goes ok, now go down, make 2 rights and a left, well I’m still thinking circles, so I go down to do them and Will almost hits me in the car behind. He meant right hand turns to go back to the starting point…oops. Just show up in the proper gear and they’ll be a little more lenient on you.

I don’t regret taking it on the R6, but I would have felt 10000x more comfortable on a cruiser.

but now 5 years later i feel way more comfortable on a sportbike thana cruiser lol. damnt hings dont turn, stop, or accelerate too well in comparison