What r something of the things I should practice before taking my riding test, what do they test you on?
I don’t know, I did mine through the MSF course.
u hav eto do 2 figure 8’s…
then weave in and out of cones, turn around at the end of them, then coming back you have to get up to a certain speed then not hit the brakes until you are past a certain line and stop right beside the testing guy. Pretty easy… u’re money if you can do the figure 8’s
I went down to bridgeville and noticed a big yellow square, figured thats where you have to do a figure 8, LOl i tried on my bike I think I might have to stick to get the permit every year.
Just do the MSF course. I couldn’t stay in that box doing the figure 8 for shit, and I still got my license!
Do the MSP coruse because you will do it on a small bike and won;t have a problem. Plus the MSP course is based on points not pass/fail.
am I aloud to use my bike or do I have to use theres?
If you take the Experience MSP, you ride your own. If you take the Basic MSP, you ride theirs. They can license you from both classes.
cool thx!
ehhh take the test… weaves said the wait list for the MSF course is really long
just practice the box a few times and you’ll be fine…
what kinda bike are you on?
i could see it being hard on a sportbike…
06 suzuki c50
i took the class and it was easy then went back to do it on my 05 suzuki s 50 and it was a little harder but you can do it oh yea this is travis aka vtecsol posting from the shop
haha i just got my license thru PAMSP last night. it’s so easy to pass. the only people who fail are the 50 year old biker chicks. man, i completely bombed the figure eights. i guess i completely forgot and just did a big u turn. don’t even remember it, lol. lost all the points on that one. i got 100% on the braking, swerving, and turns. man, i love those turns… just rip on the throttle.
MSF is the way to go.
awesome sounds like a plan.
MSF is the reason there’s shitload of ppl on motorcycles that don’t have the first idea how to ride one. IMO
good luck… sounds like you’ll be passing for sure
Don’t waste your time with the experienced class, ERC. Save your time and energy and go do a track day instead.
I will have to agree with this. I would not want to even be in a car knowing that some of the people that were in my class were on a bike… some people were just AWFUL.
I disagree. I know my class weeded out the really scary people. And even the ones that barely passed were MUCH better off for having taken the course. Remember, they could have kept riding on their permits without having any instruction whatsoever. Those are the riders that really scare me.