Motorcycles pollute 10x as much as cars

In fact, the average motorbike is about 10 times more polluting per mile than a passenger car, light truck or SUV, according to a California Air Resources Board comparison of emissions-compliant vehicles.

Interesting read. Not that its gonna make me stop riding my bike though.

In related news, GM recalls 1983 Oldsmobiles and Buicks. :eyebrow:

Meh, damned if you do damned if you dont

so what you are saying is that California will soon outlaw bikes. lol

I bet most of the cars on this board pollute the same or more than bikes per mile.

I wouldnt doubt it. They already require special models to be built just for sale in Cali.

Cali already did that back in the late 90’s, they outlawed 2 stroke dirt bikes.

I’m not surprised motorcycles are more pollutant. My bike is a 2004, still has carbs, no catalytic converter, and makes more HP than my 5 cars even did. So I’m sure its spitting out some serious emissions.

that’s not true…if the tuning is good

now im gonna go buy a bike


Over the past few months, I think we have established one thing above all else. Bros look out for number one - themselves. Following themselves, bros always look out for their fellow bros, then their favorite athletes, then their family members, then their pets, then their possessions, and finally - bras. With all this resposibility and accountability there must be sacrifices and casualities. One of these sacrifices is the environment. Bros don’t give a shit about the environment.

Bros are sick of all this talk about conserving energy and going green. Seriously, like leaving the lights on in my room is really going to rip a hole in the ozone layer. Please, save your fucking fairy tales for window lickers on the short bus. Bros are smart so they know that the most important thing is their happiness - therefore they are going to do whatever they want and not listen to fucking hippies who are “raising money for endangered species” aka trying to feed their opium addiction. Here’s a few reasons why we shouldn’t care about the environment:

Wasting Energy is Easier - Bros fucking love wasting shit. Bros pump the AC on high while windows and doors are open. Bros love leaving all the lights and TVs on in their #32 Bro Pad. Not only does it decrease the work they have to do by switching these things on and off, but it also acts as a pretty fucking good security system. And you better fucking believe that Bros leave the sink running when they brush their teeth or shave. Bros don’t carpool. Anytime bros hit the town, they always drive separately. This ensures you won’t have to wait on a ride home when a slam piece is DTF. Bros take pride in leaving as many carbon footprints as possible.

Global Warming is Fucking Nice - I don’t know about you, but last time I checked, people like warm weather. Warm weather means the beach, BBQs, and Corn Hole. But most importantly, warm weather drops panties faster than feeding slam pieces the biggest lie in the book: “I Love You.” So, why the fuck would we not want more of this? “Umm, because we are killing the Earth! Don’t you care about the future for your grandchildren??” First of all - fuck you hippie - enjoy banging a woman with hairier legs than a fucking Orangutan for the rest of your life. But to answer your question - no, bros don’t care about their grandchildren’s future. Why? Because bros don’t fucking have grandchildren, but if they did I’m pretty confident they would be pretty fucking happy that summer lasted six months instead of three.

Littering is Fun as Shit - I’ll admit it - I get a fucking rush from throwing my trash on the ground. Not only is it much easier than putting it in a trash can, but it makes you look cool as shit and you get the satisfaction of knowing that some #38 poor person is going to have to pick that shit up. I don’t stop at small trash though - one of my favorite drunken activities is knocking over full trash cans and ripping open the trash bag to dump out all the shit in my neighbors’ yard. The best thing about this is you can always just blame that shit on a raccoon in the morning. The neighbors always buy it. Dumb fucks.

No surprise… it revs to 14k, makes ~160 whp, has very few emmission regulating items, etc etc…

I still get 30+ mpg no matter how i ride it, and the ratio of cars to bikes really evens this out.

Here’s my care face: :2fingers:

Fuck da police, fuck da KKK, fuck da environment. That shit is wack!


Well, considering cow fart produces more polluting gas (methane) than car exhaust…

^^^ Sooo does this mean that we have to strap catalytic or “cadilac” converters on to cow’s asses now?

The comments are hilarious.