Fuck California


"By 2008, new vehicles sold in Pennsylvania will meet California’s tough regulations

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

By 2008, all new vehicles sold in Pennsylvania will also be eligible for sale in California because they’ll meet the toughest emissions standards in the nation.

The state Environmental Quality Board voted 16-2 yesterday to set 2008 as the implementation date for the next phase of the state’s Clean Vehicle Program, which establishes new car and light truck emissions standards identical to those used in California.

The California standards-based program, which New York, New Jersey and seven other states have already adopted, will cut vehicles’ volatile organic compound emissions by 12 percent, compared with less stringent federal emissions standards. It will also result in significant reductions in six toxic pollutants, including benzene, a known carcinogen.

And, according to the state Department of Environmental Protection, the lower emissions vehicles will come with no increase in price over those meeting the lesser federal standard.

“Air quality is improving in Pennsylvania, but we need to do more to protect public health and the environment,” said Gov. Ed Rendell, who noted that more than half of the state fails to meet federal air quality standards for smog.

“If we want to remain competitive and keep our economy growing, we need to find a way to reduce emissions from mobile sources, which remain a significant contributor to air pollution,” Mr. Rendell said.

Vehicles contribute about one-third of the state’s smog-producing emissions. Because the number of miles driven by Pennsylvanians increases by more than 2 percent each year, and 37 counties already fail to meet federal smog standards, use of lower-emission vehicles is essential to reducing air pollution and bringing those counties into compliance.

John Hanger, president and chief executive officer of Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future, an environmental group, said if the state doesn’t get air pollution reductions from its vehicles, it will have to turn to stationary sources for those reductions and that could affect jobs.

“Adopting the cleaner car standard also means cleaner air, which means the world for Pennsylvania’s children and seniors,” Mr. Hanger said. “With less pollution being released, we should see fewer asthma attacks, other breathing problems and cardiac problems, all of which are exacerbated by pollution from cars and trucks.”

Mr. Hanger said cleaner air will also lower health care costs, and the DEP estimates consumer savings from the more efficiently operating low-emission vehicles of between $3.50 and $7 a month in 2016, when most cars in the state will be meeting the new standards.

“Tailpipe standards cost little or nothing in the short term and overall save consumers money, making this the most cost-effective approach,” said DEP Secretary Kathleen McGinty.

The Clean Vehicle Program was originally adopted in 1998, during the Ridge administration, so that the state could participate in the National Low Emission Vehicle Program. It was supposed to take effect this year, but implementation was delayed by partisan wrangling in the state Senate.

The state’s Independent Regulatory Review Commission has 30 days to review the Environmental Quality Board decision; approval is expected. "

Well, the goes the neighborhood. Did anyone hear about California trying to sue the automakers for the greenhouse effect too? :kekegay:

yea, I heard about that.

I can’t wait for the big quake that makes California an island.

well lets hope this happens after TJ comes back(actually, just his car) :love:

Well. once again Harrisburg has stuck it up our collective asses.
“And, according to the state Department of Environmental Protection, the lower emissions vehicles will come with no increase in price over those meeting the lesser federal standard.”
Uh-huh…right. Pure 100% bullshit.

“John Hanger, president and chief executive officer of Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future, an environmental group, said if the state doesn’t get air pollution reductions from its vehicles, it will have to turn to stationary sources for those reductions and that could affect jobs.”

Get a REAL job you leech!

“Adopting the cleaner car standard also means cleaner air, which means the world for Pennsylvania’s children and seniors,” Mr. Hanger said. “With less pollution being released, we should see fewer asthma attacks, other breathing problems and cardiac problems, all of which are exacerbated by pollution from cars and trucks.”

Right, but i guess those busses that you guys love so much don’t spew any crap out their exhaust, do they? Hypocrite.

“Mr. Hanger said cleaner air will also lower health care costs, and the DEP estimates consumer savings from the more efficiently operating low-emission vehicles of between $3.50 and $7 a month in 2016, when most cars in the state will be meeting the new standards.”

BWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA…does anyone actually beleive this crap?

“Tailpipe standards cost little or nothing in the short term and overall save consumers money, making this the most cost-effective approach,” said DEP Secretary Kathleen McGinty."

This woman is a lawyer and a career beaurucrat from Philly…I guess that makes her an expert on automotive economics.

What a bunch of shit.

I belong to another site with a LOT of members from Califonia, and believe me most people from there truly believe all the communist bullshit that starts there. They think that the rest of us are pure evil for not following their air pollution laws.

i’m glad i will never care to own a new vehicle.

More of a reason to leave PA :dunno:

lol…reminds me of the south park episode where the sniffed their own farts and drove hybrid cars…

Harrisburg is going to stick it up our ass again.


Freedom is under attack in this country.

i did


diesel doesn’t burn cleaner than gas… but it ‘takes’ less diesel to make the same power… but yeah… not cleaner

Rendell is a twitfuck, and his band of merry Democrats are all Communists in disguise. They can all suck it for even thinking of

  1. f*cking with my forefather’s given right to bear arms
  2. f*cking with my ability to enjoy motorsports

We all know that diesel trucks, tractor trailors and commercial busses pollute more than the average passenger car. Catalytic converters required on motorcycles? WTF?!?! How about some cats on these diesel soot monsters?

That’s all that needs to be said right there. :bigok:

Found this on another site while reading up on this topic.

Recent emissions inventory compiled by PHL shows that about 10 percent of all regional DE/NJ/PA air pollution originates at the facility. Jet engines, ground support equipment, parking lot traffic and construction are the primary sources. By adopting these standards it will skew a revised FAA emissions inventory when in reality they want to add appr. 350,000 more annual operations by 2015.

Stephen Donato

“Cleaner emissions from vehicles will allow the state to comply with federal air-quality standards without forcing deeper reductions by power plants and industrial sources of pollution”
Thomas Fidler – PA DEP

Pennsylvania’s Dirty Energy Legacy…

Nuclear Power
The highest levels of Strontium-90 (a radioactive pollutant released from operating nuclear reactors) found in baby teeth has been found in southeastern Pennsylvania - an area surrounded by several nuclear reactors.

Pennsylvania is #1 in releases of mercury pollution from coal and oil-fired power plants. In 2001, these power plants reported releasing the 3rd highest amount of mercury pollution into the air (behind Texas and Ohio), the 2nd highest amount to waterways (behind Kentucky), the highest amount to land, and the most mercury overall.[24] Reliant Energy’s Keystone Power Plant in Armstrong County releases more mercury than any other power plant in the nation (1,800 pounds of mercury in 2001).[25]

Other Pollution
In 2002, Pennsylvania was #2 in sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions; #6 in nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, #4 in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from electric utilities. Pennsylvania tied with Florida for 2nd place (behind Texas) for the greatest number of “dirty” coal plants (power plants with excessive emissions above and beyond the levels they’d have if pollution controls were installed).

Pennsylvania’s 5 operating municipal waste incinerators burn more trash (and industrial waste) than any state except Florida, New York and Massachusetts.[33]

Pennsylvania's Dirty Energy Legacy -- Why we need a Clean Energy Portfolio Standard

Cats on a motorcycle, yeah cause they cause alot of polution. I wonder how many bikes it takes to make the same amount of polution as a small car.

why would a bike cause less pullution than a car? A small car and a cruiser bike have about the same size engine.

Commuter vehicles are not the pollution problem. It’s the big businesses and the busses/dump trucks/semi trucks/etc…

Just as they dont start pulling cars over and ticketing for not having CARB stickers on them. Then I start worrying.

like i’ve said before tree produce oxygen but also produce more carbon dioxide than we can make, volcanoes spew more pollution into the atmosphere than anything else on earth combined. these fucken people are brainwashed drones. I’m glad my 305 smokes like a motherfucker.

I,m buying an old fucking ford that smokes more than fucking bob marley and snoop dog put together and run NO cats as well! Fuck this shit and fuck the ozon layer…i won,t be around by the time the shit hits the fan and we can,t even go outside for a minute without getting sunburned so what the fuck do i care?!