Fuck California

so you’re going to buy my truck then?



not to sound like a tree hugging hippy. But you are already experiencing some of whats going on with our ecosystem. Bad storms have been on the rise in the past few years, our world is changing.

Our cars are not the problem, its the amount of people that are the problem. Check out this chart stating historical data of the US Population: http://www.census.gov/popest/archives/1990s/popclockest.txt

more people = more waste

lets unfreeze hitler and get him to kill off all the people that do not contribute to the US. I think we would make less waste, less pollution and change the way the world is.

But yeah, lets worry about emissions instead of population control

O i know baout all of this,i follow up on this shit…the worse part is that we canot subsadize or seaze the way things are going now,it is too late.bottom line. All these green peace tree hugging fuckers are right in a way but i don,t think they fully understand what really is going on nor the casue for it. Plain and simply put…the earth is a living thing and like all living things it will eventually sease and will end up like all the other planets…that is unless if the comet in the outer atmosphere out in space doesn,t get us first :sadwavey:

the o zone layer, hahaha

well they always talk how freeon is bad for the ozone. well first off freeon is heavier than air, it would rise and hurt anything, secondly they say its the clorine in the freeon that hurts the ozone…How come my pool isn;t illegal then, that thing evaporates into the air all summer. of course thats just the tip of it. if the ozone has a hole, how come the hot air doesn’t just rise out and casue global freezing?

the ice caps melting, hahaha, take a glass of water, put an ice cube in the glass and mark the water level, wait till the ice cube has melted, you see where the water is? same place!!! the glaciers melting wil not flood the earth because they are already displacing the water they are part of. it different when it snows and it melts and causes floods, that snow wasn’t displacing any body of water but added to it.

why is the hottest day on record mosly from the 1890’s…if we are having global warming wouldn’t it go up and up and up… didn’t we break records in the 90’s for record snow falls???

if they air is sooooo much cleaner than it was how come more and more kids are getting asthma?

they only wanna give you half of the story. THEIR STORY!!! if they have no cause, they get no money.

thank you devin, atleast ur have a strong enough mind not to buy into the propaganda

As much as I know I will take shit for it. Diseases are life/god/mothernatures/whateverthefuckyoubelivein’s way of population control IMO. Yeah, im an asshole, but its true. :finger:

Hell, China has the law where you can only have 1 child. World population is getting out of hand.

So another words…if i shot u in the head then u would write that off as population control? Ya…great thinking

i think you kinda missed his point… but diseases have stemmed from over population in some cases. So he is saying that is mother natures population control. Not all diseases but some.

look around you, i am sure you can list tons of people that should have never procreated.

The universe is sort of like an OBD2 on a car, except the operation loop is much larger.

I understand that…but mother nature really has no control over who lives or who dies:rofl: Who thinks we were created by god? Who thinks we were created by atoms and moicules? It is the opinionated theorys of men and woman making mililon upon millions of dollars a year fro something nobody fucking knows that is telling us how we started and how the earth started,nobody really knows shit…it is allllllllll opinions no matter which way u look at it…EARTH…the greatest mystery.

Tons of people…:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wow, nothing gets by you, except for a lot of basic high school science. :hs:

well a good bit of these people don’t understand the basics so i have to point that out.

Devin is gonna get struck by lightning later today… your point is true to some extent thou. out of katrina it was a mority elderly that parished. Survival of the fittest!! Mother nature can cause extreme conditons that make it near impossible to survive but if you are fit and make good decisions there’s no reason to think you can;'t overcome it.

It is, one less person in the world! But I was refering to death not caused by human hand, not murder :hs:

Sorry, im just a Realist… I just have my fucked up views of the world. I usualy keep my yap shut

So if it rains and i slip o nthe wet ground,fall down and break my neck and die ur going to say that mother nature is the culprit? I see what u mean but the weather is weather.plain and simple cutty,some die weither because of a n accident or pure stupidity not the weather itself. Wwe all could go on n on for days about htis shit…same principle as if the question…is the glass half full or half empty,opinions are like assholes…everybody has one

It,s ok to be a realist dom,but u see my point?

I was sarcastically pointing out that you have a few flaws in your argument.

Such as:

-Glaciers sit on solid ground and are not floating, therefore when they melt water levels do rise. Greenland for example is mostly glaciers sitting on solid ground. Antarctica is also largely composed of ice/snow on solid ground.

-Single day record highs are not true indicators of temperature trends but more examples of freak occurrences, whereas monthly or yearly average temperatures are much better indicators as they tend to take freak occurrences out of the sample.

-The ozone layer does not act like the lid of a tupperware container holding in the hot air of the planet.

-Freeon is heavier than air but not by so much that wind and air currents cannot mix it into the atmosphere. Otherwise we would all have trouble breathing from aside from at the small altitude range at which oxygen would fit into the mix of gases that is the atmosphere.

Yeah, I see your point. I just have to blurt out fuckd up things once and a while. I never participate in threads like this.

i said glaciers i meant big ass icebergs, icebergs are in the water

as for freon: “Freon represents several different chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, which are used in commerce and industry. The CFCs are a group of aliphatic organic compounds containing the elements carbon and fluorine, and, in many cases, other halogens (especially chlorine) and hydrogen. Freons are colorless, odorless, nonflammable, noncorrosive gases or liquids”

what the hell is so bad about it, all of the stuff already makes up the air. i could buy anyone of those things and release it into the air.

I’m gonna go blow out my cat right now…

this makes it official, I’ll never own a brand new car