Eh, with depreciation, who wants a new car anyways? :dunno:
There is a shitload of evidence that all of the crap about R12 was just that…CRAP. Do not believe everything your government tells you. A lot of the “gloabl warming” is based on junk science. The earth does in fact go through cycles. Check some of the temoerature trends, and also, check some of the trends of the tropical storms…they also tend to go in cycles.
What really cracks me up is all the shit about Kyoto…they want to restrict carbon dioxide…well the last i heard, carbon dioxide was in essence “plant food”. So the more CO2, the greener the earth, and hence, more oxygen form plants.
But that still doesnt change the fact that the assholes in Harrisburg are setting us up once again for a reaming…
the world resets itself… we wouldnt have mass extintions and ice ages if it didnt… we are going through ah eating trend. granted we more than likely sped that shit up a little bit… but its gonna happen no matter what we do… quit fucking crying and accept it.
This is kind of ass-backward. I’d rather see the government reduce pollution by requiring better fuel economy. My 1990 Honda CRX HF didn’t have half of the modern pollution controls, but it got 50 - 60 mpg on the highway… less fuel consumed = less pollution.
I hate that arfument that the storms are getting worse so we must be fucking with the enviroment. It was stated that about every 20 years hurricanes get stronger, then gradually weaken again in a cycle. In a few years when the storms aren’t as strong, what will the people bitch about then?
And I highly doubt that humans can fuck with the enviroment to the extreme that “scientists” say we are. The world has been around for 11ty billion years and humans have started their hardcore “pulluting” about 100 years ago. Do you seriously think that in 100 years we can fuck up what has been around for a billion years?
I can’t wait till future generations look at us and are like “WTF were they thinking, the enviroment is fine. And why the fuck does everyone in Pittsburgh drive either a camaro or a ricer car.” Kinda like how we look back on past times and say “WTF were they thinking, lightning is made from different electrical charges, not some pissed off God.”
cars get heavier because people want the comforts of home in a car. Find a new car that weighs the same as a '90 crx and has the same performance,then check it’s gas mileage.
I realize a lot of you do not have a very heavy science background but I am amazed at how much many of you appear to just dish everything off as a government conspiracy.
-Yes there are weather trends, but looking at the bigger picture one can see a trend to the trends, such as average global temperature cycling every so many years but with those cycles slowly rising in temperature.
-Plants do convert CO2 to oxygen but a plant can only convert so much, thus why increasing population resulting in decreased green areas (farmland, forests, etc.) is a problem.
-Humans can definitely impact the planet in a huge way in only a few seconds (Hiroshima, Nagasaki) so a hundred years is very believeable.
-A car getting better gas mileage is not necessarily polluting the environment less as the greatest amount of emissions polution is at verhicle startup and there is not a fixed amount of pollution produced per gallon of fuel used.
Also I don’t think anyone bitching about this has even realized probably the biggest thing this potentially new emissions regulation would bring to PA that is also in CA, a lack of higher octanes at the pump.
The original “earth day” back in '70 was to “raise awareness” (God, i HATE that phrase…makes me want to puke) for…GLOBAL COOLING! Wow, we reversed the trend! Now it’s GLOBAL WARMING!!!
Make up your fucking mind!:madfawk: :madfawk:
The sad part is that the radical enviromental groups(interesting that half of that term is “mental”) have such strong political influence that we have all these laws that are getting more and more expensive to comply with. Todays cars have achieved a 96%reduction in tailpipe emmissions since 1965! It is OK to back off a little now, and allow the natural attrition of the older autombile stock to result in less pollution. In other words, lets give the current standards a chance to work before enacting more stringent(and more expensive) standards that may have a statistically insignificant effect on overall air quality.
I like the liberal scare tactic of connecting car/truck emissions with increased cardiac and breathing problems… if anything they should try to control diesels; semis and buses have to crank out alot more crap. with all of the newer cars on the road we shouldn’t even have emission testing for anything < 5-7 years old. it’s just revenue they would never give up. plus there are counties/townships in PA that dont even have emissions testing, so if those people work or travel in allegheny, beaver etc then it doesnt make sense.
you are my new best friend.
Here’s the deal.
What the fuck do we care if the pollution is bad, let the next generation deal with it after I’m dead and gone. Until then, let’s make some fuckin’ pollution.