more enviromental propoganda

this shit needs to stop, these motherfuckers are so full of shit. you ride a fucken bike to work… not me pal. my recreation is cars and i will do it as much as i want.

:zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

I would live to be able to ride my pedal bike to work.

My recreation is cars; that doesn’t mean I enjoy sitting in gridlocked traffic while commuting to work everyday.


I actually like driving my car, not sitting there watching some loser next to me read the paper or put on makeup at 2mph.

what are you supposed to do thou when construction never ends in PA.

ride a pedal bike. :smiley:

That’s stupid. Maybe we should do something for the environment…

Screw it up now and let the next generation worry about it. :slight_smile:

the next 5 generation arent gonna have to worry about… i mean think about it, if new york was really in jeopardy of being under water by 2035 don’t you think they’d be trying to relocate those 10 million people starting now? even if there was a small chance? Not to mention stuff like wall street and etc… Environmentalism is big business! Algore isn;t a crazy environut he’s a genius businessman that preys on stupid americans.

fuck the enviroment


And I’m sure the emissions of cars today are just as bad as those in 1980 /sarcasm.

Vehicle Emissions today aren’t nearly as bad as they once were. These idiots doing this study probably drive diesel duallies to work.

the earth is gonna go in its natural cycles whether we exist on it or not. In a billion years who the fuck is gonna care? not us cause we won’t be anything anymore. watch the history channel, we’ve been on earth for such a short period of it’s life it doesn’t even matter

Right now it’s like the last second of the last day of earth. It’s been around for 5 billion years, we’re not making an effect on it

All politicians can suck me.

im doing my part to help…
taking out my fuel injected 4 cylinder and putting in a carbed V8 without cats im just one man but im doing my part lol

my nigga!

there would be less urban sprawl if greedy mother fuckers quit driving up property prices.

fixed (for truthiness)

I can kinda understand you not caring, because you’re a stupid ignorant fuck… but why do you think its cool to go out of your WAY to make things even worse?

I mean dont get me wrong, i have no problem with making race cars that get shit gas mileage. They aren’t the problem, and it’s for a purpose. It’s the people that drive around in SUV’s and pickup’s that they dont need to be driving getting 15-18 MPG when they could be in a car getting double that. They are the problem. But I still dont get why you harbor such resentment for people that just want to make the planet better.

my S10 is a weekend warrior not a daily driven vehicle it will be getting raced when the swap is done im not doing this just for emissions and as of right now even with the four banger in it im emissions exempt because its under 5000k a year so im not trying to kill the environment or ignorant to it for that matter i love muscle cars and minitrucks so im combining the two…i dont understand how you can call me a stupid ignorant fuck when im doing what you said making it a race/show truck its not going to be super fast right away but as i save money it will be raced and barely driven on the street :confused:

because you went out of your way to say that “you’re doing your part” like its cool or something to go out of your way to wreck the environment.