more enviromental propoganda

this whole thread is about opinions ok you dont agree with me if people wanna drive hybrids good for them im glad theyre trying to help but i just think some people go over board with it that was sarcasm the doing my part i just personally dont car if my truck is environmentally friendly because it doesnt get driven enough to matter but reply to this if you like i stated my opinion im done e-fighting


i dont go out of my way to litter and i don’t feel guilty for enjoying my cars because someone else says so.

tree hugger …get over it

oh and i think that global warming is bullshit, our planed naturally goes through warming and cooling cycles…anyone remember the ice age???

pewter probably does :smiley:


So if they built “compact development” areas, I wonder if you would still have to ride your bicycle all the way out to the suburbs so you could see some grassy areas?

Maybe I can start this type of development in my neighborhood and build several multi-tenant buildings smack up against my house. That would rock! :sarcasm:

I say we try to fuck up the enviroment as much as possible, maybe it will raise the temperature some more. I hate winter

No one is saying you should. Your cars are what you love, so keep on driving them. No one is whining about that. Me, and the “tree huggers” you love to lash out at are trying to get people that otherwise dont need/care about what they drive to get something as fuel efficient as possible. Like don’t get a Suburban if you have 2 kids and never go off roading or haul anything. Or if you’re a commuter thinking of buying something to just get you around, think about getting a Hybrid instead of a Cavalier or something like that. Or if you run a diesel pick-up, think about running it on biodiesel. Little things like that.

you have a legit reason to have a bad emissions vehicle. You’re a collector/enthusiast. It’s the soccer mom’s in their tank-like SUV’s getting 8mpg that are really fucking things up, not you. No one is coming to take your cars away. I love them too, and someday I’ll own a couple cars that are basically taking a big shit into the ozone, but I’ll make up for it in other ways.

well I guess that all of those scientists thats have doctorates and have spent their whole lives studying this should probably give you a call. Because I’m sure they hadn’t thought about that whole ice age thing. That will probably turn them right around into thinking that global warming is BS.

Global warming is something for the politicians to get votes. They say how much they care about changing our wasteful ways, but really only want the votes. There are just as many scientists who have said global warming is complete BS and just a normal cycle of the earth.

do you really think we can fuck up billions of years of a planet in 200 or so years?

I try to buy the fuel effecient cars and not run the lights in the house unneeded, but it’s not for the enviroment, it’s because I am cheap.

so says Dr. Max :rolleyes:

There are just as many scientists who have said global warming is complete BS and just a normal cycle of the earth.

yeah, the scientist that work for Conoco-Phillips and Exxon-Mobile.

do you really think we can fuck up billions of years of a planet in 200 or so years?


I try to buy the fuel effecient cars and not run the lights in the house unneeded, but it’s not for the enviroment, it’s because I am cheap.


you’re an idiot, Dr. Darkstar

gas mileage thou isnt the only reason people buy the vehicals they do. if i have two kids i would want a safe tank like a suburban. i mean yeah you can get something econimical but someone out there is gonna have a large SUV and if you get hammered by one ur gonna be in trouble.
And there are people that would love to crush all my polluting demon cars. Its my right to drive a suburban as it is my right to drive a prius… I would choose safety over gas mileage everyday. I don;t think they suggest people into driving econimical vehicals, they try to guilt them into and i think thats wrong.

It’s not your RIGHT to drive anything. Driving is a privilege, not a right. My dad made me drive a 1985 Ford Bronco fullsize as my first car because it was “big and safe”. I feel 1000000x safer in a smaller car, because it can handle, accelerate, decelerate infinitely faster than one of the “land tanks” you speak of, thus making you less likely to get into a wreck. And a Suburban is only safer in head on collisions. It does nothing for you in a side impact or a rear-ending. They only give the illusion of safety.

And the real reason people want them isnt because of safety, its because they think they’re too fucking cool for a minivan or a family sedan. Nowhere else in the world will you find massive cars like we have in America and they seem to get along alright. :dunno:

I love the smell of diesel in the morning. smells like a charcoal grill and makes me want to drive 300 miles and buy a hamburger

I garuntee a Tractor Trailer will handle “1000000x” better in the rain than any pint sized car

This illusion of safety u are refering to I’m not exactly understanding…if I’m sitting at a redlight with cars in front of me in a suburban with 4 people in it, a speeding pickup comes up from behind and rams me, I would assume that the extra four feet behind my passengers will help cushion the blow plus the fact of it having a full frame not a chincy little unibody of the prius where the passengers would be almost on the rear glass of the car. I’m assuming that would be safer because not in all conditions can u manuever out of harms way and sometimes you’re just gonna get hit, in addition the extra ground clearance of the suburban helps if you get hit by a truck because it puts the blow up higher where its meant to be hit not in say the back window of a prius which does get 46 mpg compared to the 22 of the 5.3l power on demand of the suburban but the extra agility u say youll have doesnt help much if theres no way out of the situation even with the prius’s massive 76 crank horsepower…but this is just my take on why people think they are safer in an SUV than in a compact car. :doh: and yes I realize my comparison is of a large SUV and a small car but those were the two compared earlier

its a privilege to drive, it my right to buy the car of my choice! my dads yukon accelerates pretty fuckin good with the tbi 350. and i think in a sid impact it would help. a small car would hit my rocker instead of the top of the door. i guess people dont buy large SUVs cause they have boats to tow or like to pack it up for a long trip and still sit comfortably… naw they are just tryin to be cool.

don;t they still make RWD caprices(96style) in saudia arabia, don’t they have the big s class benz in germany?

The concept of the government granting us peon citizens “privileges” makes me sick.

I hate winters…So i do my part by daily driving a boosted 4 cylinder with no cat running 11.8 afr under wot.

I make the world a lil warmer…21psi at a time