there is the entire video of his ride showing it all.
it looks like he jumped off the highway, and got to a light at the off ramp, where that unmarked was flying behind him following him… he looked over his shoulder and prolly thought who the fuck is this guy. then he stopped at the light and he came up behind him and you got out. the trooper was right behind the unmarked/CIVILIAN car.
How can an off duty in his own car essentially pull over at gun point someone???
I got “pulled over” by an off duty in his personal truck, he fliped the fuck out on me as he aproached my truck… I had it in gear and ready to dump the clutch and one hand on a tire iron becasue I had know idea who the fuck this guy was. he said he was a cop and he could arrest me and shit right there, I said fuck off you physco, and i left the joint. found out after the fact who it was and he was a amsterdam cop, who is a loooose cannon.