Mounting/balancing tires

You guys know of anywhere cheap? I was thinking of buying some tires online, as they are much cheaper, but I want to know if there are places cheaper that $105 for all four (Kal tire)

Funny, I’ve been asking myself the same question just earlier today.

Part of the equation is where to buy online. I’m looking at the Tire Rack out of the States. There’s a Canadian equivalent called tiretrends out of BC. My math says the Canadian outlet is still about 20% more money including differences in shipping costs and some brokerage. (I estimated 10% of product cost. Not sure what UPS charges. I’ll have to check on this…)

Any other good online sources?


please post where you end up going deathby240.

I am in the same situation as well.

I was looking at tirerack. If I have to pay that much for mounting, it wont be worth it. Tiretrends has none of the sizes I am looking for, and they seem pretty pricey.

I’m thinking of calling up a high school shop to get them to do it. They are just my stock winter beater wheels so I dont care if they get marked up.




PM me too!


me as well.

I think I am going to check out fast tech

why r u always cheapin out…stop being so pov!

why r u always cheapin out…stop being so pov!

Why are you trying to insult me wherever you can? Or right, your self-esteem issue that I mentioned in the other thread. I’m telling ya man, you should really get that checked out.

I don’t know about other people, but I don’t like paying more than I have to. I can save 50 per cent on mounting/balancing because of this thread. :smiley:

why r u always cheapin out…stop being so pov!

Why are you trying to insult me wherever you can? Or right, your self-esteem issue that I mentioned in the other thread. I’m telling ya man, you should really get that checked out.

I don’t know about other people, but I don’t like paying more than I have to. I can save 50 per cent on mounting/balancing because of this thread. :D[/quote]

Heh, you sound like an insurance ad… :lol:

Lol. Fifteen minutes can save you fifteen percent…

So you should be… i dunno: Geico240

Sorry couldnt be help… :lol:

MB4’S are a ripoff everywhere ive come to believe, working at a dealership we charge 80$ for mount mb4 and anything over 17 inch is 100$ for something that would take me 20min to half an hour depending on the size of tire (from a customers point of view).(then again we have a 30000$ balancing machine certified by Honda/Acura :roll: , so i guess they need to kind of pay it off…)

I would only charge 40-50 depending on size if you came down here :smiley:

Try Fastech Tires on the southside (97st, south of 51ave). They are car club friendly so should be able to give you a bit of a deal.

I get all my tires mounted and balanced there.

WOW $105 for mounting balancing 4 tires? We only charge $69.95 for 4… :butthead:

where do you work boost infected?