hmm…might going to see it tonight
im going to see it tonight :tup:
So let me guess… all the vampires and werewolves are probably martial arts experts?
teh only real vamp that did any real martial arts or any style of fighting would be Salene(beckinsale), other than that it was alot of scratching and ripping body parts off hehe
Oh, so it might be worth seeing then.
5-star movie in my opinion. Better than the first…explains more/all of the vampire history. My wife loved it and she really hates all vampire movies till this one…I don’t even know how I got her to see it. Scott Speedman probably had something to do with her going…lol.
Nope,heads/jaws being ripped off,faces being bitten and blood squirting out,lots of spearing/stabbing.
Selene’s style is more tactial/martial arts.
Word, this movie was killer. Definitely better than the first. I am probably going to see it again.
I didnt like it as much as I thought
It looked really corny most of the time
Holy :tup:! Choda and myself saw it earlier today…fucking awsome…I loved the way they made William at the end…he was totally badass.
I liked how bad ass Corvin (Hybrid) was.