omg best movie in a long time!!!!!!

well, just got back from seeing the movie “Running Scared”. I didnt expect much at first when i decided to see it considering paul walker was in it.

Any way, if you like sleezy gang, drug, mob, boobies, and a awesome plot then this movie is great.

This is definately the best movie i have seen in a couple years. Full of action and kept me on my toes the whole movie.

:tup::tup: go see this movie!!! you wont regret it.

it will be even sweeter on your giant TV!

you should go see it christian. you would like this movie.

hrm might have to go check it out. whats the storyline?

walker is mixed up in a mob and is forced to get rid of a gun that holds evidence against the mob. Well, after the gun gets misplaced a whole shitload happens and a bunch of fucked up very unexpected things happen.

This movie is VERY graphic and not for the weak stomach type of people.

I just watched this movie tonight.

Its pretty fucked up. I liked it a lot, except for the ending…don’t give it away though.

I know it was a good movie because it is now almost 1am and I am usually totally passed out in bed by 11.

It was good but I wouldn’t put it on “must see” list like Shawshank Redemption or The Usual Suspects but it’s good regardless…

How fucked up was that married couple in the baller apartment. Fucking-A…

Shawshank and Usual Suspects are two amazing movies. Running Scared certainly is that kind of caliber and its probably not a must see, but it did keep my interest for 2 hours straight which is strange.

Yeah the couple was totally fucked up…creepy.

meh, noone ever listens to me. Ive had like 5 people come up to me and tell me i was right that it was a good movie. They just waited to rent it on dvd instead. I probably wouldnt have seen it but there was nothing else up that weekend and i was in the mood to go to the movies.

yea…i heard it was good from jesse (muscle50)

i def wanna check it out

^ movie meet? :wink:

edit- skunk, i follow you around when you post because it’s always entertaining. have u noticed? lol

it was… interesting.
the hockey shit in blacklight was bizzare.
the director is a little creepy himself, watch some of the making-of.

:lol: silly kristen… too funny

anyways… look at the dates of this thread. The movie is already out on DVD…SILLY!

i saw this recently too, i wasnt too fond of paul walker’s acting, but the storyline is real cool

:frowning: great. now i feel like a loser. well… movie party/sleep over @ my house. I’ll provide popcorn.

The scene on the hockey rink was pretty cool too.

hahahahhaa… YaY popcorn

I thought it was the best thing I had seen him in. Perhaps this isn’t saying much but I really got the feeling that he was just frantic the whole time.

maybe he was running scared. :gotme: :stuck_out_tongue:

Im gonna have to see this. I wanna see V for Vendetta again. that movie was amazing.