omg best movie in a long time!!!!!!

really? have to check it out then

i haven’t the slightest idea how paul walker is a famous actor. he’s A BLOCK OF WOOD

I saw it on Movies on Demand. Its a twisted movie, but i felt it was good. A serious roll for him to play. Like Vin deisel in A man apart. they need a serious roll to be taken well in other movies, so they arent just the F&F guys

i saw it a while ago and it is full of twists and things u would never expect

my goodness…

i though this movie opened this weekend…till i saw the release date on IMDB…

I downloaded it and watched it tonight. I think it would have been better in the theatre… the sound was all crappy, and it was only on my 21" computer monitor. I still thought it was pretty interesting. Not a “WOW” movie, but definitely something to watch. It had me pretty interested.

I’d have gone to the theatre, but, you cant exactly cuddle up naked next to your girlfriend at the movie theatre and do other wonderful things to each other, that only the privacy of your own home can allow, half way thru a movie :slight_smile: Well, you could… but, I doubt you’d be there long LOL

good god jeff thank you for the mental picture this is Great i love thinking of naked dudes mmmmm dudeass

pretty good. watched it last night. very “action packed”


I’d give it a 3.5 out of 5.

Dude, out of 10 is alot easier. I would say 7.9 out of 10. Good movie.

finally saw this the other night… i liked it a lot. Def an awesome ending. :tup: for this movie

skunkape only liked it cuz he was in another movie with paul walker, i believe there is a pic as proof somewhere…


Bump cause I just watched this…so many plot twists, really great

yeah i saw this one day on a whim, great flick

This is on Cinemax right now…finally got it after having my DVR season pass look for it for the last 4 months :slight_smile: