Saw II

Great movie. Thought there was no way it would have been better then the first… but i was wrong. If you liked saw the first one, id highly recommend going to see the second.

4 big thumbs outa 5

glad to hear that its good i was afraid id be dissapointed

cool, is the acting better this time around?

I want to go see it, maybe I will drag jenn there…lol

I saw it …its pretty Fd up but better than the first one

tied everythign together = woot

I cant wait to see it! I love horror movies and loved the first one! Now all I gotta do is find someone who isnt too scared to go see it with me…Everyone I know is a big puss

I didn’t think they would pull it off either, but it was def. better than the first.



“Your sons in a safe location” “Just play the game, remember the rules”
def. awsome and you KNOW theres gonna be a third one.

:nono: Definetly not, the first one made me want to gag. Good story line, but far too graphic for me!

went and saw it tonight!!! great frickin movie. i think i liked the first one better but this one is right up there with it. def see the first one before the 2nd one though.

damn now i have to go see it

Its messed up when he gets the letter dont use this key on this door and when he does lol

good movie i like it deff bring a chick to it. never saw the end coming to this 1.

just SAW the first SAW tonight, it was more funny than anything. Can’t wait to see II.

wow. you all suck at not liking sucky movies. that was pretty bad. the acting was terrible. the plot and characters were shallow as hell. the twist was the same lame twist at the end of the last fucking movie. :down:

The acting was terrible in the first one, Mike and I thought… talk about a not-star studded cast.

i really liked the first one (actually have the DVD)…for what it was…a low budget psycological thriller/horror.

i’ll definately be peeping out II

I heard the first one was just gross and that the acting is what was scariest… Still going to see the second one though –

expect more of the same. the acting is HORRIBLE and its not scary at all. A thriller maybe, but definately not the least bit scary. I highly recommend saving your $9 and waiting till it comes out on Netflix.