Jerking off to Victoria’s Secret Fall Line would have been more worth my time than seeing this movie… What a disappointment… :shoot:
Yeah im so glad i put a hole in my popcorn bag with you. You thought you were grabbing at popcorn it was my crank the whole time…FAG!!
I didn’t notice so it must have been as small as a piece of popcorn…
There are very few horror movies made nowadays that I would even pay to rent. SAW II must be really bad.
i liked it, wasnt really a horror movie as much as a murder mystery type thing, made me think, u guys suck
word…i thought it was pretty good…
you guys are just morons…
the movie was awesome, its not a horror its a thriller
i liked it
I think the movie reached the peak of stupidity when Frankie G’s character cut his own skin off the back of his neck rather than have Shawnee Smith’s character look at his number. That’s fucking dumb. This movie is dumb. Donnie Walberg is nothing compared to Mark and he sucks to boot… Thank you and have a nice day.
I thought the movie was awesome. It had a bunch of great twists and some crazy horror scenes.
I liked it :tup: I have paid to see worse movies IMHO.
ya it was good? i dont know whats up with you matt, i think you are just enjoying too much time with rob :gotme:
ppl should go see it. i was describing the needle scene at work the other day and had people getting sick at the lunchroom :tup:
yeah that was some crazy shit and the first scene with the key. Made me cringe.
watched it last night… i loved it just as much as the first. the gore was awesome in this one… cant wait till the next one! huge :tup:
:repost: I started a SAW II thread back on 11/11
omg. spence your dancing avatar rocks the house. its almost as good as my classic, well recognized old one. if i didnt love my custom one now so much id change it back. someday though.
here it is in all its glory: