Texas Chainsaw massacre: The beginning...

It’s violent as fuck. Probably one of the more disturbing movies ive seen as far as graphic violence. It’s alright if you like that kinda shit… Ties up with the remake of the first one pretty well…


It was ok… could have been a little more creative.

is it senselessly violent? i can deal with that much more. when it’s surrealistic it’s much more palattable.

seen it last nite. I jumped once or twice. cant wait to see Saw 3

the previews kind of suck… it’s just a bunch of random crap… but i will probably see it.

i liked the 2nd one over the first. looks like some new faces and more drama for the 3rd one. well see. we got some coupons so we only pay 12 bucks to see movies.

i wanna see this. and i can’t wait to see saw 3.

Saw 2 sucked donkey cock. Disturbing physical images alone dont make a good horror film.

i seen it fri… didnt think to much of it… but its pretty intense with blood heh

would you say it is more, less or equal in overall senseless violence than the first Texas Chainsaw Massacre?

i agree 100%

Saw 2 was a total let down.

Saw 3 better rock…maybe ill see this one… maybe not… maybe this week…

just saw it today and i liked the first one way better