moving to east amherst

i am moving to a place just off transit between north french and millersport. what is there to do around here? can anyone recommend some good bars/ restaurants or anything else?

Gin Gin…

You have to go to Grovers on transit for a burger. Pautlers icecream FTW

Elmos on Millersport … its right near West Herr the Sabres games is always on and they have the Best Wings in my opinion

Amherst Ale House on North French
Brennans on Main & Transit
Buffalo Wild Wings on Transit
Rock Bottom on Transit
Alternative Brews on Sherdian

I miss Alternative Brews. Since I moved into the city I never make it out that way anymore.


Alternative Brews is great if you’re trying to get cancer.

i agree with brennans for alcohol and grovers for food (giant burgers)

brennans in the summa time :tup:


Last time I went there was over the winter. The smoke was so thick you could cut out a block of it and carry it home.


Average Joes on sweet home also…

grover’s is a great place :slight_smile:

Amherst is a really nice place to live I just moved here a few months ago and I love it. Theres always something to do and theres good places to eat. Pluse not that far from mighty…

Living between n. french and millersport is a little hard when they are perpendicular…

Fish fry - grovers on transit or sean patricks on millersport
cheap and good chinese - wok 22
drinks - amherst bar, rock bottom, chesters
pizza - campobellos, bocce

I’d stay away from the yings, never seen more then one waiter, always dead, loooong ass waits to get drinks and food, and food is eh, ok…

if youre just in the mood to chill and people watch, the starbucks on transit by maple is great when the weather is nice.

Panara bread is right next door too, and they have free wireless open internet.

They just popped a starbucks @ transit and n. french in the tops plaza and timmy hoes in the last like 2-3mo.

I heard about this place. Its supose to be really good