Mr. clean auto dry

Has anyone used the new mr. clean auto dry? and if so what do u think of it?

Ive heard realyl good things about it ! but i havent tried it

yeah i used it… it works… don’t have to dry your shit… probably run outta solution before you get 5 or 6 good washes in… neat product though

is it worth the cash ?

Originally posted by Silver_WS6
is it worth the cash ?

:rolleyes: lazy

Originally posted by 2FNFast
:rolleyes: lazy

:rolleyes: asshole:rolleyes:

Originally posted by 91GSteggy
:rolleyes: asshole:rolleyes:
:rolleyes: COCKSUCKER:rolleyes:

Originally posted by Pewterss
:rolleyes: COCKSUCKER:rolleyes:

:rolleyes: OLD BALD MAN :rolleyes:

Originally posted by TwoForty
:rolleyes: OLD BALD MAN :rolleyes:
:rolleyes: ballesswussy:rolleyes:

Originally posted by Pewterss
:rolleyes: ballesswussy:rolleyes:

English > you!

Ball-less :wink:

Ya its crazy… I love it… everyone should have this:D

how much?

Originally posted by TwoForty
English > you!

Ball-less :wink:
who gives a fuck!!!u new what i ment!!!:tounge:

Originally posted by Pewterss
who gives a fuck!!!u new what i ment!!!:tounge:

true :69:

Originally posted by 91GSteggy
how much?
20 bills. Thats the sprayer thingy and the solution and the soap. They have this kinda thing @ the car was in monroville. Setting for this spray that repells all the water and such.

auto dry is for ricers that don’t work on there car. really, how fuckin hard is it to dry a car. 5 minutes!!!

Originally posted by Cutty
auto dry is for ricers that don’t work on there car. really, how fuckin hard is it to dry a car. 5 minutes!!!

its cool for when your goin out and you want to rinse off the whip and dont have time to really wash it!:tounge:

i didnt know if it was a ghetto clean where all u do is spray n wash it off. likea detail mist type of thing. they said i cant wash my car at my apartment complex fuck them i bought a hose n do it at night ! to much water useage BS

Originally posted by TwoForty
its cool for when your goin out and you want to rinse off the whip and dont have time to really wash it!:tounge:
i’d like to see how it works on black. When i dry my black cars i have to go over with the Absorber and then a towel.

Originally posted by Cutty
i’d like to see how it works on black. When i dry my black cars i have to go over with the Absorber and then a towel.

yep yep hopty do ****** what!!!
word to cuttyland