MR2 @ Beaver Island

My fiance’ and I spent last Sunday hanging out at Beaver Island and Niagara Falls. Decided to take some shots of the MR2 while out. She could not have cared less…

I am loving this purcahse…feels great to be “back”…


When do they start charging to get in?

I was just up there last monday…

and by “she couldn’t have cared less” did you mean she didn’t mind… or she was bored out of her mind?

Edit: the car looks great :slight_smile:

I meant the car photos didn’t interest her at all.

I think I’m going to spend more time this w/e on the paint. I know I can get it looking even better…


Needs more Black next to it…:slight_smile:

Photo shoot on Buffalo east side?

About one more week my friend, and it will then be back…

That car really needs more low and some nice wheels.

That’s what the other MR2’s for…lower height means harsher ride, as does bigger wheels and lower profile tires…this being my DD is staying stock as can be, just getting more cleaned up.

Ah I didn’t realize this was your DD, yeah then stock is fine. Looking good for such an old car

Awesome. Can’t wait to see it.

Cruise when both of ours are done…?

Yeah man, it is the DD. Thanks, it is cleaning up very well, lots of love this one’s getting…

And Luke, you know it dude, the black car is going to be spectacular. I’m likley going to see it Monday, but you’ll be working, right? I’d love to introduce you to Don…guy is top notch, but you’ve see Brian’s car, so you obv. already know that…

Let me know dude…

What are you doing to the black one?

I definitely want to tag along. Give me a call and we can set something up.

I <3 red toyotas. Should be up in Buffalo with the freshened up corolla next month for a shakedown trip.

Seeing these pictures makes me want to get motivated enough to get mine cleaned up and up and running again.

^ Get in gear man!

don’t you love when they care SO LITTLE that they don’t even get out of the car? i mean, act like you give a shit at least a little bit, please

i just recently convinced mine to start caring and enjoying it

pics of Fiance doing heaters???

Actually she’s great about it, I was half kidding when I wrote that…

In fact she she does like cars, she loved the Volvo. Sadly it had to go, but I’m certain she’ll be excited when I tell her I’m getting another one…