MSD filed Chapter 11????

Company Bankruptcy Information for MSD Performance, Inc.

They always took care of me and I run their dist, coil and box.

Not really surprising given the ways in which we do business here in the US and that this is not a necessity product for the everyday masses. It seems like the steps in most small to mid size companies is to open, innovate, sell, sell, sell, make $$, bankruptcy, make more $$$$$$.

One of many automotive companies getting hammered by Chinese knock-off stuff. Check this months issue of Hot Rod. Beware of what you buy on ebay.

Cheap parts break hearts

We can all beware, but nobody will do anything about it, sadly people will still purchase “knock off” parts and goods.

I really think that people would purchase the good stuff if they knew which was the Chinese crap. The stuff on Ebay, you really can’t tell. You look at a guys rating, he’s 100% and is from California, the picture looks legit, etc, etc… Some of the stuff looks perfect, so it’s really hard to tell. It’s better to pay a little more and get stuff from Summit or Jegs or similar.

They had great customer service but their products weren’t any better than the Chinese knock offs. I’ve had nothing but problems with their Pro-Billet distributor. The unit failed on me 3 times in 2 years costing me 2 tows and a dyno session. I had to drive around with a stock distributor as a back up. I hate to see classic companies go under but they were churning out garbage.