Patriot Glass, Aka redline Aka Howard tanner..Bankruptcy?!?!?


Oh boy


He’s such a good businessman.

YES lololol

Everything goes downhill fast when it starts rolling.

you guys are like gossiping school girls sometimes. :facepalm

it was in the paper man. Its not gossip lol.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

Womppp womp wommmmmmmp.

My how the mighty have fallen.

According to the paper it’s more of a reorganization.

Karma is always a motherfucker…good luck lil’ Cowie!

ha…man I was just thinking that!!! I understand that many people on here don’t like Howard But give the guy some slack…damn

Im sure 99.9% of people on here have not done business with his glass company so to bust his balls for bankruptcy may be a little harsh…I can understand if you had done business with redline and did not like the service…

and if you ask me…It appears that he ran a pretty damn good glass business when business was good.

i’ll get off his nuts now…Im sure that comment will be coming!!

^. I agree. They have some pretty big accounts on that list and you don’t get those by being a horrible company. Everyone fell on hard times during this recession.

2 companies, same little prick, whatever. I think the brains behind the glass company was his brother anyway

Im just the messenger passing it along! If it wasnt me posting it, you know it would have been someone else! I didnt say anything bad…the best of us have the worst times…



get the shocker!!

You get those accounts by being the lowest bidder, especially on a state job like SUNY.

And your point is?