mud bogs are starting up.

there are mud bog races for quads and trucks/tractors everything literally a mile down the road from my house. they will be starting up again here soon.

Hell yes

haha. sweet

my gf’s sister and her husband are the one’s who run that. i’ll be working down there on saturdays after i’m done at the post office.

hey maybe i can talk them into giving out pittspeed discounts at the gate…:dunno: i’m sure they would if enough of you guys(and girls) came. its a fun time actually.


nice… i should put a 454 in my cj5 to concour that stuff!

to much nose weight!

Figures something like this starts up after I sell my Jeep. Locked front and back on 36’s, I think I’d have done alright :smiley:

who drove thier quad into the pigpen???

u, u wanted :sex:

april 23rd is the opening day, anybody gonna come out?

i may!

not me, i’m pulling the lift, tires and motor out of my 4wd and it’s heading for the junk yard this weekend. so no more mud bogs for it.

this weekend at the 23rd!:dumass:


Looks like fun - in if there’s no commitments.


my friend went and came in second place in the pro stock class
ssick shit

seen it of the birgde as i pass over!

I went for the 3:00 start, which was more like 4:30. I’ve never seen so little happen over such a long period of time. The “drag races” ended about 7:00 at which time they announced that they should have the mud bog ready in about an hour. :doh:

The best part was trying to figure out what the announcer was saying. He kept saying something about Hazzard County, Smithton but the rest was unintelligible hillbilly chatter. It started to scare me. :smiley:

The actual mud bog part was cool but I was frozen and tired by then. Would be more fun in warm weather. The cheese fries and hamburgers rocked! :yum: