Muffler Suddenly very loud

2000 Nissan Xterra

Driving down the interstate, suddenly notice that my muffler is loud. Pull into rest stop, and my car sounds like a ghetto fart civic. I didn’t notice and blatently leaky spots, but I haven’t inspected things THAT thoroughly yet.

Is the muffler probably just shot or is it more likely that there is a crack/break somewhere?

Inspect it more thoroughly. You’ve got a hole somewhere.

Srry bout that I installed a fart can on it last night. Thought you would like it :frowning:

The drone is so bad, I don’t know how people can deal with fart can exhausts.

I guess I’ll have to look harder tonight.

exhaust probably cracked/rotted at a flange

You might have blown out your cat or cracked it… I have had one split on me before but it could be anywhere you just have to look and if nothing is leaking you blew out the cat or muffler.

Wouldn’t a blown out cat most likely throw a check engine light?


Looks fine :wink: lol that’s a hell of a split to happen all a sudden without hitting something


just throw some duct tape on that…

beat me to it.

Those drugs I was hiding there must have come out…shiitttttt

you probably have a big crack in your muffler

Haha I don’t think it started out that big. It definitely wasn’t that obvious at the rest stop. I definitely loled when I found it though.


you probably have a big crack in your muffler

you probably have a big crack in your muffler

Hey I don’t if anyone else told you but, you probably have a big crack in your muffler. Lol.