Multisynclg vs. Osad vs. Fobwall

I find it funny how people are always angry or jealous when other people on this board make a profit off something. wow… just wow.

This could explain why people were never pissed at Ph(a)il. :dunno:


That’s funny… because you’ve been doing the same thing to multisynclg this entire thread!

very , very , true.
I was going to say something , but decided to see if anyone else would notice the immaturity.

Nice try guys. But you both failed. This is all the shit I’ve said this whole thread. Where do you see me talking about Tim making money and me getting angry cause of that?

"Yeah, but what happens if the part turns out to be bad? Who gets the blame? Tim or his friend? I don’t know if Tim will still be interested in “helping” out his friend if the part happened to be a lemon.

This is the main reason why we want people to post their own shit."

Cause how is the buyer going to get a hold of the actual seller?"

And then:

"I second that. John doesn’t personally sell anything, he does group buys.

EDIT: Tim, you have sold a shit load of stuff on SON so I don’t know what you’re trying to get at. Selling for a “friend” still counts as you selling something. Because you are assuming responsibility for that product that you are selling."

0/10, thanks for coming out though.

Both of you are idiots. wow.

I know how you feel about multisynclg Marky :wink:

Please quote me in this entire thread to back up your statement. If not, stfu.

Knock it off you clowns :squint:

People shouldn’t make false assumptions then. What a bunch of fucking idiots.

I will stop after this Gonad.

I think it’s pretty CLEAR that you try to attack Multisynclg, whoever he is, on more than just this occasion. All over the place, you find his sale of itmes on a public forum to be somehow negative to the community, when it seems as though he is doing nothing but providing quality parts at fair prices. If you notice aswell, he also has numerous posts in the WTB threads, so he clearly contributes BACK to the community by purchasing more through SON.


What else do I have to say?

Way to take what I said and twist it to suit your needs.

I didn’t word that sentence to at all imply that I do it to make cash.

I said I do them for cash. As in, cash deals, not on record, etc.

There is some extra cash in most (not all) cases but I don’t think anyone who participates in any of my group buys can complain at all about any prices and I’m the first to admit that there is some profit in most cases. I want some money for my time and effort and it’s definitely never more than minimum wage unless I get lucky and get a break on shipping or something like that once in a while.

Ok, I will apologize for attacking mark in terms of THIS THREAD.

But I won’t take back anything else I said.

Okay, so now that Dan has taken back what he has said about this thread. I believe you have something to say?

so dont act like you dont do it to make moeny

are you stupid?

What the shit are you people talking about?

What the shit are you people talking about?

Disco Weasel…