Mustang > gt2

How many GT2s have you raced/beat?

I’d be excited too.

But like I said, I haven’t seen the vid yet… if the guy started jerking off after the race thats one thing…

That would be hilarious.

all over the dash, it was messy


comment retracted

when it comes to straight line performance for the money spent (be it 10k or 100k) mustang > porsche

im sure the porche has a nicer passanger compartment, so in THAT case porsche> ford

when it comes to women, either will get you laid just as easily, so in that case porshe = Mustang

so based on simply whats stated above… the score is 1 for mustang, 1 for porsche, and then a 1/2 point each

Porsche = Mustang

dont think it was a GT2, took a while to reel him in, but helluva runner :tup:

I dont know what you saw, but I saw a porsche, MAYBE GT2 but probably just a 911 Carrera, ahead by about 100 feet approaching traffic in its lane, and a mustang doing a flyby. There were no 3 beeps, nor any sort of distinguished start. If a civic would have done this you all would be yelling “ricer flyby!!!”

edit: LOLOL now that I watch the vid again, I noticed that as the stang is passing the porsche, the porsche is changing lanes and has slowed down dramatically because it is getting on a thruway exit :lol :lol: :lol:

^^ good point, he was getting off… the hick’s just successfully completed a flyby. :rofl:

i told you he was pullin the pud

watched the video again, didnt notice thats what he was doing the first time i watched the video … agreed


keep dreaming

mustang < porschecuchygetter any day

^^^^ damn honda crowd chiming in again… lol

^^^ is an acura stupid lol

tell that to Japan… :lol:

And as far as your first post… all depends on what kind of tang your looking for…

porche will get you stuck up, no good in the sack tang.
mustang will get you easy, nasty in bed, coming back for more, suck a golf ball through a garden hose tang.

LMAO at this kid saying he’s beat a GT2. It’s a base 911 NONTURBO. Pause the vid and see for yourself. I had a comparison to prove it, but I lost it and don’t care to make one again.

[redneckvoice]“HundRED thousand dollar import!”[/redneckvoice]

Try 60k :lol: and a high 13" car.


Onyx you ruin it for everyone else…

I have to see this vid. Will 5 o’clock never come??


considering that its def. not a gt2, I pulled a 911 turbo, last year, It had some bling rims and other after market stuff. Yes the guy was racing, we 3 beeped. he pulled into mighty after, ask Firehawk 383 his run in with the 911 wasn’t so good last year, I’m sure this year it would be a different story.

BTW, I was jerking off after I raced a gt2 look a like, it was the hottest porsche evar, gnesis rims, gt2 bumper, aftermarket rear bumper, bling strut bars, it was the hottness

i was gonna sat i dont think it was a GT2…they have a different wing…i would still take the porsche over a Stang anyday…slow or fast

lol @ porsches being reliable :lol:

who u kidding? lol