mustang tony doin a 150 run and posts it on youtube

oh wow. I only met ya once Tony, but buy my Cobra.


mushroom, mushroom

Uhh…who cares, I just got informed from some chick tonight that my dick was curved and she LOVED it, cool Mustang bro

:rofl up in here.

Cool story, broseph. See what I did there? I joined “bro” with “Joseph”… “Broseph”.

Sweet. I beat a Z07, so I’m more awesome.

I beat a Z71 once

a beat a guy who was riding a bicycle. so fawk yall.

Actually I had you bike a bike-bike and a half by the finish…

LMAO Tony you’re an idiot, you lost twice. Its on video, and funny you mention your passengers. I had a passenger too. Stop with the excuses, tranny, clutch, tune, passengers, etc etc. Come on dude, take it on the chin. At this point you deserve it.

Im sure he gets enough of that

:rofl i meant it metaphorically of course.

He rubs the soldier’s magic helmet, until it releases pearls on the chin.

im suprised he even responded … he normally cowers away like a little cunt

Some oldie footage!