Muwahahahah! Holy shit!

Vlad. It’s ok to have a conversation or argument with someone without belittling them. All the valid points you made in the last two pages are tainted by your attitude and condescending verbiage.

If you were to talk to me (or others) like that in person, I might slap the taste out of your mouth.

I’m only responding here because I feel like you don’t realize how you sound. There are dumb people everywhere…sometimes you may be the dumb person in the conversation. You will never get through to someone speaking like that.


I fully back this NY’er in exercising his rights…whether anyone agrees with the formalities doesn’t matter. He is standing up for what he, and many others, believe in. I applaud him in his efforts and happen to agree with him. As a land owner who CONSTANTLY has to remove other people signs and GARBAGE from my front lawn…that I spend countless hours manicuring like Edward Scissorhands. If someone told me I couldn’t put a sign on the outskirts of my property that I TAKE CARE OF…THAT I CLEAN…I would rage. Even if I was totally wrong, the manner in which this incident was handled was childish at best.

If the couple down the street are allowed to put up a “garbage sale” sign on the corner…if Joe Buttlicker is able to put up a sign “running for town supervisor”…if Phil McCraken is allowed to leave a sign up “affordable paving” AND NONE OF THESE SIGNS ARE REMOVED EVVVVVER or even questioned, how is it ok to have double standards.

In the end, all the officer had to do was knock on the guys door. He would have taken it down or moved it back. But NO, he decided to act like a bitch and be passive aggressive.

Anyway, conversations like this are healthy. They should not be turned into a pissing contest on who my nine fathers are and what Bill Jefferson said in 1492. IMHO.