you have inspired me to do another write up. a what you need and a basic how to tune your honda. maybe i can even get together with jon and have him toss some ish in there for the OBD0 crowd.
^^^sweet. I pm’d you like everyday. didnt I? lol
You should paint your intercooler black so that you really are a stealth 4dr:tup: Nice job, I always have more respect for those who make their own turbo kit. GL
The intercooler is definetly going black this weekend.
What kind of numbers do you expect to be putting down?
To tell you the truth. Im not expecting much from this.
I wanted to turbo it this year just for fun. But i will try to ssweeze the most power out of it foSHO.
NOw next year my goal is 350-400 at the wheels. THe block, head and turbo setup will be different though.
Thanks Guys