My 12yr old brother has severe pneumonia...

ok well maybe i should bring it in CUZ I DONT WANT IT ANYMORE lol

Best of luck man!

well, his asthma has cleared up - that’s the good news.

unfortunately though, his pneumonia has not, in fact it has stayed the same since his was put in the hospital. the doctors told us today that he will more than likely be unconcious/in the hospital for the next week, if it does not get better he could be there for up to two weeks.

Are they giving you a positive outlook beyond that?

Wow man, sorry to hear. I hope he gets better soon :tup:

they keep saying it’s just a waiting game for him to get better. idk if that’s a good thing or bad thing, i’m assuming they’d tell us if it wasn’t looking good?..but idk.

i’m keeping a positive outlook though, i’ve been visiting him since he was put in the hospital, his school sent about 30 million get well soon cards from all the students and friends and family keep visiting and helping me and my family out

Well, that is better than nothing. Seriously, good luck you and your bro are in my thoughts.

thanks a lot man

I know it really doesn’t mean a lot since we don’t really know each other, but I have been in your shoes, and every little bit helps I feel. Again good luck, and keep us updated. Especially if you need anything.

it does though, all the support from everyone makes everything so much easier, I appreciate it all guys

ah sorry to hear about this chris! im sure he’ll be fine. best of luck

thanks shawn, btw I see your mom every Saturday lol

ive had pneumonia a few times. Last time it prettu much shut down my left lung. I was out working and just kept getting more and more tired and it got to the point where I couldnt even push in the clutch on the ranger. Then I went to the dr and they gave me the “wtf!!!” look…u know…the one when youre really sick and do nothing about it for a while lol and they look at you like youre retarded. Long story short, I was in bed for nearly 3 weeks. This was just a few months ago. They gave me all sorts of hardcore antibiotics and whatnot and I kicked it half way decently…till 2 weeks later when I got bronchitis lol.

But yeah I hope ur bro is ok. He should be fine. He is young, his body should be able to recover from an infection like that in no time. besides just think of all the pussy that will be all over him when he gest back to school lol. It could be the best thing thats ever happened to him.

:frowning: good luck to you and your family man

sorry buddy, let me know if i can do anything.

best of luck… i hope he gets better really soon!!!

Tell him to eat a shit ton of garlic. Seriously…garlic is very good for helping get over infections.

lol . dr jeg.