My 2003 Wr450 supermoto bike

lol if you had something to burn id burn it

please tell me you arent serious?

you realize its harder to be fast on a quad then a dirt bike right?? Your fighting twice as much weight so it affects your stamina, timing etc…they are two complete different riding styles but I have MUCH MUCH more experience then you but most the experts I ride with on quads can jump right off a quad and be just as fast on a bike…they arent on a bike simply because of preference. I cant tell you how many times us amateur + level quad racers have gotten complements at the races from dirt bikers…your theory is fucked.

now back on topic, the DRZ is looking sick all murdered out.

not a bad point…but quads are still for guys that cant ride bikes

Quads may be harder to race around a track but they are easier to ride

and this is just a opinion since I take it you have never been to a quad race or anything…

Dirt bikes do the same thing with two wheels

no way is it harder to ride something on 4 wheels vs something on 2

Any one can ride a quad. I could teach my little sister how to

quads are easy to ride… the level of difficulty really ramps up though when it comes to competition and racing and shit… i think its harder to go fast on a quad.

but any asshole can get on one and “ride”

true…i can post pictures of me jumping my dirtbike, not proving any kind of point though

Its easier to ride a quad, harder to race one.


exactly what im saying…

for just bombing around having fun, no doubt is a quad much easier to ride…but when your in the gate ready to race, when it comes down to it a quad is much harder to be more skilled/faster on…im sure no one can argue this.

quads are stil gay

okay enough gay quad talk

and its not a DRZ its a WR

Its gay

The only thing harder to do on a quad is jump. Cornering and everything else is easier to do fast on a quad.

Eh, its alot easier to flip a quad during a cornering situation than it is a bike…

Maybe so but its easier to go faster through that corner if you know what your doing.

i rode a banshee for awile and it was fun to dick around on it was decently fast but id never ride one for real.

I like riding quads on trails for the most part. When it comes to tracks though bikes all the way.

I like riding both, as long as its not smokin’s dad 250r. Its a hoopty box hahaha.