wtf sweatshop
looking good though…
i know your a domestic guy so i have to enlighten you to the world of JDM… if you swap an import there is a bare minimum of one asian kid needed to complete it correctly his name is ping pong lol
looking good. 1st try make your cage?
nope ordered it from SW and had it professionaly welded and rivoted in this is back before i even knew about pittsburgh or 1st try lol but yeah 1st try is going to have alot of my money after this summer is over lol
nice dented fender! i personally have the same exact dent in the same exact spot on the same exact fender
ha ha twins! i didnt care about the dents and shit on the car because…its ment to look like a POS so peole under estimate then cower under the power of the sr20 mwahahaha
sweet build! if i didnt say so in my first reply, im not a fan of the sr20 but at least its a red top? s13? s14? s15? what trans? please dont tell me an s15 trans
i cant belive i forgot to post up my favorite pic!
Nice build up, coming to a street near you soon?
it will be here in pittsburgh this friday if everyhting goes as planned i have a little more work to do to get her up and running but hopefully jeff can give me a hand
it says s13 redtop in his build list. Im going to go ahead and assume the tranny is not a s15 6 speed because people really dont do that. there is not really much diffrence between the KA, SR or RB20 transmissions.
i almost forgot to add that the build is looking great. Im personally not into the whole stripped interior/racing seat thing but you can not deny that its gonna move once its done.
yeah i just got bored waiting for the engine to get here so i said fuck it and stripped the bitch i could actualy feel a difference with all the wight i took out of it it was cool
Looks really good. I’m sure I’ll see it sitting outside 1st Try.
i think im putting the sparco pedals i got for the civic in the 240 instead might look a little odd next to the gutted ness but such is life
i cant wait till the car is here
its sitting in my apartment complex right now bitches thanks alot chris and joe!
yay,thanks guys!:rolleyes:
Hey fucker leave that POS under its fucking cover.:mrT: