Only have a few pics of it so far but here it is let me know what you think.

love the white!!! thing is sweet!
Thing is money, Matt. Love it!
Thats Carbon Fibre boys :thumbup
Probably one of my favorite GSXR’s ever.
Nice bike man.
Pretty dumpy ride bro.
matt, cant say whether i like it or not, i havent got a chance to cruise in 4th doing 40mph.
Such a sick bike! I gotta get one NAOW!!!
Nice Bike! :thumbup
Front compression looks a bit slow, unless the mark on the forks are from something else.
This we before the bike was ridden and from being tied down in the back of the truck for 3 hours
is that a lil hotboddies I see on the side or is that how the stock muff is on these now?
Thing sounds Nastyyy
Just before he went over the handlebars, :Idiots
twas a nice bike.jkjk
What you did there, I see it!!
I should upload those pics here!