My Beloved Day Crew...the Tale of EvilJay...and all that could have been

So I know you’ve all missed me terribly. Don’t deny it. Nobody would believe you anyway.

So I got married and I’m moving to California later this month (but its just a secret plan to stalk Originalsin)

Found a pretty solid job and enrolled in school for the spring and my wife (it’s so strange to say…and this ring fits so tight it gives me panic attacks…) is in the military learning Russian to be a super secret spy (or translator realistically).

So I’ll be around for another month if anyone cares to catch up before I go.

716 510 0620
jay.wonch on skype

INB4 “You’ll be back”

Yeah I came back too. Fail. :highfive:

Congrats on the whole “life” thing. :tup:

It happens to the best of us…on the up side…so many nice non-rusty cars on Monterey Craigslist…


You never made a move…sorry

You’re Straight?!?!?!?!?!??!

I’ll say it again. Fuck you.


^i dont believe it




omg -karma to you!

Mostly doesn’t count lol.

I can’t believe i took you off my ignore list for that!

I dunno if anyone noticed but jaywonch just posted his phone number in public.

And its real.


Don’t tempt me brian haenszel…

i don’t know you, but this much i can assure you, facebook is pissed we are not friends

Did you break the news to Woodrow yet??