My Beloved Day Crew...the Tale of EvilJay...and all that could have been

i shall always remember our 2 hour convo about traveling the world while i waited for hybrid to put on my exhaust

lol @ this thread.

Seriously though, Congrats and good luck Jay.

I’ll give you a ring when I’m out West this summer.

We’re so good at life

You always have a place to crash.


So much +karma…as soon as we get it back…

:tup: to getting out of wny

i wish you the best of luck jay

So nice out there this time of year too. Best of luck. :tup:


Thanks fuzzy and teh jam

OH California is lovely. Good luck and congrats.

good luck , I am contemplating a move to the west coast and it seems like a pretty overwhelming goal

good to know other people are as dumb as i am :slight_smile: lol j/k




i liked the “just married” on the back of the neon

I was wondering where you have been lately lol.Best of luck to you Jay. :tup: for getting out of the rusy cars/ shit weather area. But sabres > ducks and sharks, dont forget that!

Getting married to the chick that has no firends so turns down awesome hockey tix??

Congratis bud.

Word up Jay. Monterey is pretty nice… but it can get damn cold :brrr: I think you are about an hour or so out of SF.

Not really surprised you moved closer to the homosexual capital of the globe. :slight_smile:

JK, take it easy hombre.

