My Bike

im just nervous to race guys on a bike… i almost lost it one of the few times i was out this year… i can honestly say my street racing days are… dwindling… if i lost it like that with a bike next to me… bad things.

so we’ll see… :tup:

well with great power comes great responsebility… and sometimes its just not worth the risk…i also am calming down a little bit on the street… going from ghost rider to ben spies takes alot of practice


im still the baddest motherfucker iv ever seen on two wheels…haha

well when i do wheelies I’M the baddest mofo on two wheels so there :lol:

sweeeeet…cars that do wheelies are ok in my book…but i can pull up my front tire at 160 (indicated) -happy Willybeen?

just don’t forget you have a little one at home you crazy bastard.

i know…i never forget my family…im really trying to start a racing career and make what i do some what safer.


lol, cuz after you were geared you topped out at 167 lol. shhhhhhhh.

settle down you nut, if you broke your wife and baby would be heartbroken. besides, you’ve missed your window of opportunity to be the next ben spies, your son on the other hand… get him on a 50 stat.


hey man im still young at 22…look at Dumel…he’s forty something and still a 600 champ. after i get my race license in 09 i will be on top of my game and devote my life to winning. u will c

and now my top speed is more like 170 gps aka 186 indicated obviously…a few minor tweeks later. im doing a 520 conversion and going minus 1 in the front instead of plus 3 rear…good for a few more mph

Duhamel? :-p… btw, hes just 40. and hes probably been racing since he was a little kid… god bless you, i know your a competitor and surely a capable rider, best of luck. I couldnt imagine planning on being competitive at a national level after running my very first track day a couple months before.
PS… theres a nice track bike for sale on sportriders :wink:

yea yea yea…i ran better lap times than REAL intermediate racers in cayuga my first time there…he let my barrow his lap timer… im not saying im great im just saying i have plans to race…with alot of practice i will be better for sure… and as far as coldaccords track bike (if that is who u r talking about) i can afford id right now. soon i am getting a triumph daytona as a track bike and i will work my way up from there. if all else fails i will turn my 600/1000 into a devoted track bike.

Nope… i’m talking about jonesies bike on sportriders… just posted up today…

good looks dude.

BTw, i still havent run ryan yet :(.

Nice. It looks great btw.

thanks alot i love the black and orange.

Will, i love jnesies bike i seen it in person very nice and ideal, but again he wants more than i have. so im just gonna stick to the triumph for now