My Brakes, Pooped the Bed.

So as of lately, I would be driving, and I would have to pump the brakes to stop. But after a pump or two, the pedal feel, would be good…but never great.

So I’m driving around tonight, and my pedal just goes to the floor.

I check my fluid, and its meh. So I call up Andy, and he runs me fluid. I notice my fluid is dark colored. So I add some, and the brakes still suck.

Its either… Master Cylinder, or a leak, or air in my lines.

what do you guys think it is?

i think im going to start off, by doing the easiest first…and check for leaks.

my real question is…when i’m checking for leaks, do i just look at the soft lines, in the wheel wells?

and then im going to bleed the system, and use all new fluid.

if that doesn’t work…MC.

any opinions?

yeah bleeding is the easiest, check around the wheel cylinders for leaks also, or have someone pump them for you while ur looking, mabye u can see it squirting.

didnt you just change the brakes on that not too long ago?

anyway, i wouldnt limmit your check to just the soft lines. we have this thing in Buffalo called salt, and it likes to eat away at metal. also, i think brake fluid is somewhat corrosive, so i would check the hard lines over as well too. and (i think this is stating the obvious) but check for stupid stuff like loose connections and whatnot.

i just checked the soft lines.

they are all okay.

im just going to bleed teh system, and then try teh MC if its still being gayzors.

Bleed them, for sure, that will tell you if the MC is bad. Keep your fingers crossed.

Sounds like a master cylinder to me.

you are teh gh3y

sweet you boiled your brake fluid…

well im bleeding the lines.

no air bubbles or anything.


master cylinder it is.

Not suprised. Time to hit the boneyard…

to check a master cylinder pump the brakes untill you have a hard brake pedal (with the engine off) then hold hard pressure on it for 30-45 seconds if the pedal sinks you have a bad master. Unless you are loosing fluid then you have a leak. the brake system is totaly sealed if you have lost any fluid you have a leak somehere.

you shit…i was sleeping

theres no fluid leaking out the back of his MC. thats not the issue.

i dont think its a leak.

the last time i checked the fluid was a couple months ago. and last night, it wasn’t super noticably low.

this problem was gradual.

it just didnt stop all of a sudden.

i always has extreme brake fade, but if i pumped em, it was okay. now its faded away to nothing.

no pedal pressure, etc etc.

its not the brake booster.

is the car idleing rough?

the brake system if very basic, if you havea mushy pedal it is either air in the lines or in ABS module a bad master or a leak. did you perform the procedure above? it doesn’t sound like it. and masters can leak internaly they don’t always leak from the back.


i pulle the MC off, and pumped the piston manually, and its squirting out fluid, so that tells me…that its probably not the MC.

It was gunked up, and had nasty ass fluid in it, so im going to flush the whole system,

ill let you know how it goes.