my cat just hung it self..

so im sitting here reading and my cat starts sreaming… i get up and it was half way up my window… hanging from the blinds tied up…

i guess it tried to climb it then got knotted up in it…

i couldn t get it un tied… so 4 mins go by and i get a knife to cut the blinds and the freaking cat pissed… well sprayed me!!

screaming bloody murder!!

i got it off and i haven t scene it since… he’s in hiding…

dumb animals…


that is fucked up. atleast the cat isnt dead. but you wont find him
for a while my dads one cat did something like that a week ago.
he was on the chair i turned on the sweeper and actually ran on the
side of the wall right into all the electrical cords. so i had to grab
a cat that was hanging himself by the cord and hold up the shit so
it didnt fall and break. the cat was in hiding for a week now. finally
seen him in the same chair today

Originally posted by BETRAYED93
so im sitting here reading and my cat starts sreaming… i get up and it was half way up my window… hanging from the blinds tied up…

i guess it tried to climb it then got knotted up in it…

i couldn t get it un tied… so 4 mins go by and i get a knife to cut the blinds and the freaking cat pissed… well sprayed me!!

screaming bloody murder!!

i got it off and i haven t scene it since… he’s in hiding…

dumb animals…


8 more lives to go.

dogs > cats

babies like to do the same thing

dumb animals i guess

Originally posted by Darkstar
dogs > cats
me > you.

Originally posted by 1320
me > you.


cats are weird