My crazy night that started near Mighty

Oops, long post, here are the cliff notes:
:beer2: at Yings, decided to go to Downers, crazy drunk nasty hoe Yings bartender tried to go with us and jumped in my buddy’s car cuz I hammered it when I realized she was trying to get in mine, after much :snky: we got the bartender to :gtfo: then we peeled away and finally got our act together and saw a bunch of boobies! :headbang:

Full Text

What a f*****g crazy night last night was. I started off at the Buffalo Tap Room with my buddy John to grab a house brew. Then went next door to Yings to meet a couple more friends for wings & things. While we were there I talked a little with this one dumb drunk bartender. She was obviously a dumb drunk slut, which makes her fun to talk to. :tup: So my friends and I end up getting the bright idea to go to Downers over the border.

So we finish up our beers and go to leave the same time the drunk hoe bartender is leaving. So my buddy John goes and talks to her while she’s sitting in her car (doin lines or talkin on the phone or something.) He ends up telling her that we’re going to the nudies and she invites herself. At that point John walks away and then jumps in my car and ducks down hoping she didn’t see what car it was. She did. So I back out, and the other guy that was driving that we were with is in front of me. He doesn’t realize that we’ve got a psycho hoe trying to join us, so I just go around him and hope he gets the hint to leave.

He didn’t, and the hoe ended up jumping in his car. So we go driving down the blvd and come up with a plan to get rid of the hoe. We go back to the Mighty plaza and tell the hoe that the one girl’s not feeling good so we are cancelling the plans. The hoe gets all belligerent and starts yelling about how we should just drop her off and go.

Finally, my buddy John (since it was his fault she was there cuz he talked to her) steps up and asks her to give him a ride back to Hadley. She gives in (probably thinking she could get some ass that way) so she goes over and gets in her car. Once she gets into her car, John came running back to mine and jumps in. By the time he’s in the car, the hoe is pissed, comes flying up in her car giving us the finger and yelling shit. I didn’t know if she was gonna hit us or follow us or what, so I throw it into revers, punch it and then crank the wheel to throw a 180 and get the hell out of the Plaza. Hammered it down Sheridan, came up Parkhurst and watched as she crossed right in front of us on Eggert, but thankfully didn’t see us. The other guy in his Crown Vic had managed to lose her on his way out the plaza.

So finally after much drama and :snky: we managed to ditch the hoe and went and saw a bunch of titties.

:tup: Freaking ridiculous night! Good times!

waitaminnit…you could have had sex with a stranger for practically free…but you went to the nudie bar instead? weak…

…Unless the dumb drunk bartender was fugly, then that’s cool. :tup:

which bartender was it … the one with 13 tatoos ? or one of the chubby ones ?

I don’t think she had tatoos, wasn’t really fat either. Just generally fugly. She was new and said her name was Alicia.

ah, new, i c …donno her then

ahahah dumb hoes

way to ditch them :slight_smile:

could you please step out of the car for a second…i think you spilled something on my seat…<tires screaching> rofl


LOL :rofl: