My dad got a new toy

his altima finally died so he decided to go looking for a new car
he came back with a 2001 Acura CL Type-S, so far ive only seen it and not driven it , but damn its nice, fully loaded and only 57XXX kms the BEST thign is that it has that auto-manual transmission in it, so my family finally has a manual car , well sorta , im getting closer right? :lol:

Your dad > you. True story. You should convince him to buy a Skyline.

b00… still an auto.

70RQU3 $733R P//N$ J00

what a bad purchase. I’ve been trying to sell my 2003 CL Type-S for the last 3 months and no one wants it cuz the car is such crap.

I saw your car pavel! Yours or your parents? I think its quite sharp… Nice color too… why is it such a piece of crap…? :roll:

it’s fwd.

lol, i asked why is it such a piece of crap as you said…
you reply because its FWD…
that doesn’t seem like the right answer, surely you knew it was FWD before you bought it…? Correct?
WOW Surprisingly all you mischief kids are full of money!
Your how old? And you own a 2003 automobile? Wicked

well, its my dads, i doubt hell be putting any stress on it what so ever :smiley:

Full of money? Lets see

  • Me - been working since i was 12 to pay for what little car i have
  • Pavel - been working since his early teens, and started his own business
  • Bob - works his ass off in the summer to pay for stuff - started his own business with Pavel
  • Mike - works as a manager at Self-Stor
  • Justin - none of you know him
  • Greg - works as a manager at a hobby shop and used to work at markham automotive or something

Sorry it just really peaves me when everyone thinks we are GIVEN
everything. Every member of our team has worked hard to pay for their
cars, noboby’s got it made, so please don’t talk like that.

Nuff respeck to mah Mischief crew. These guys deserve everything they have.

Thanks Marc.

The CL-S is decent enough to drive around every day I guess, but after
riding in and driving Pavel’s car, I wasn’t overly impressed.

I owned it at 7psi, and ravaged it at 10… its not very fast.

6SPD is nice, and its a comfy car to cruise in.

But when it all comes down to it, its an overgrown Accord, and as always

It’s all about priorities, a friend of mine who is 19, lives at home, and works in construction owns a 2004 Acura MDX which has an msrp of 62,000 iirc, he pays for it all himself, something like 1,500 a month plus insurance. Ofcourse he has no money whatsoever to go out and spend, but I guess he is happy.

It’s all about priorities, a friend of mine who is 19, lives at home, and works in construction owns a 2004 Acura MDX which has an msrp of 62,000 iirc, he pays for it all himself, something like 1,500 a month plus insurance. Ofcourse he has no money whatsoever to go out and spend, but I guess he is happy.[/quote]

Wow 60G? If I’m going to spend that much on a car, it better be fast or have a high level of fun factor in it. That kind of a money can buy a last generation Supra, last generation RX7, S2000, older NSX, or a WRX. But I guess to each his own.

60 grand can get you a hell of a lot more than a supra or rx7
like a FD, supra and a heavily modified s14 all together
or a mildly modded 350

Or it can get you exactly what you want, if that may be a Supra, or FD or Silvia , or :shock: even a MDX.


Or it can get you exactly what you want

'nuff said