my expensive evo friday!

so I came back from vacation and my evo get jealous I left it at home I guess.

The power windows and turn signals didn’t work. Also the dash is completely dead - yet the car ran and drove perfectly.

So I took it to the dealer after checking fuses etc… and it died in the service bay.

The alternator is done after some testing. They want $250 labor + $550 for a new part before we can even tell what else is damaged.

I’m having them do the labor, but I purchased a 180 amp upgraded model to replace the pathetic 90 amp factory part. My guess is that my audio system killed it off over time.

The upgraded part was only $399 shipped so obviously that’s the better choice.

anyway, that’s my fun for the day.

sounds fishy, usually if a car battery is dead to the point where the windows wont move and turn signals wont go, then usually there is not enough juice to get the starter going either. I have a feeling there are more bills coming your way.

your having them change an alternator? cant imagine thats a hard swap with it hanging off the front of the motor on the car…


me and mike tried to drive my tiburon home from fredonia with no alternator… it was doing some STRANGE things, but continued to run

I drove it for two days with no turn signals… the alt. died slowly and took out some other stuff along the way… I’m hoping nothing too expensive…

as they say… you gotta pay to play.

the only reason the dealer is getting the work is because I agreed to $70 diagnostics charge, they’ll roll that into repair fee. also, I doubt just replacing the alt. will fix all the issues, but it must be done to continue the troubleshooting.

the one good thing is that if something happens to the car due to workmanship the dealer should take care of the bill for you… good luck, i hope you find the problem

sounds like a bad alt to me. When I had a loaner Sub Baja the gauges stopped working when I put the turn signals on. Then the radio stopped. Then the car lost power. Then it died in my driveway. It was the alternator. Funny thing is the mechanics knew it was bad but sent me out anyways. Bastards!

550 for an alternator, wow.

I would expect that kind of number with a range rover, not a mitsu…

Good thing I drive a pos.

that blows. my alternator went last week too. infiniti wanted 300 but i found a rebuilt one at world auto discount for 115+core. it just happens to be made by mitsubishi.

its actually kind of tucked down in the back of the engine, doesnt seem like nuch of a job though

They do say that. Not sure how that relates to this situation, but they do indeed say that…:awdrifter:

the car would run for a while, but the starter wouldn’t get enough juice to crank the car over.

That sucks man. Thanks for the heads up LOL. Hope its not too much other stuff.


copper is expensive!


changing the alternator is not that easy on evos, its tucked in the back of the engine by the firewall, big freaking PITA

Actually, my alternator in my Rover just went and it was only $250 for the part, lol.

Hope you work things out Aaron :tup:

damn that sucks! but gl i hope everything works out 4 ya

how many miles are on your car?..

wonder if they changed the ALT for the SSL as I hope i have more then 90 amps…

R you runnig a Cap for the system?