My friend is making a run for the NFL

Saw that in the paper this morning, good for him.

He was rated a top 5 guard in the country as a Junior too

Nice, lots of luck to him!

This the guy you told me about while we were on XBL?

Top five non senior guards. Still that aint nothing to shake a stick at. I wish him the best of luck and at least if it doesn’t work out in the end he’s still an arms length away from a degree he can pursue.

Yes, He was on a couple times in our party as well on different gamertags

Top 5 guard in the country in the NCAA period… Not just Juniors, He was a nominee after his Sophomore year for the most prestigous award given to linemen. If it wasn’t for his school problems and not playing his Seniors year he would have been a later 1st round pick.

I actually played against him in highschool… If I remember correctly he was the kicker as well back then. Crazy to think I played against someone who might go to the NFl. I don’t think he will have a problem getting onto an NFL team, if not he could always play for the cfl and wait till an NFL team gives him a chance. Brandon browner is a great example of that.

Best of luck to him!

Just keep in mind just bc someone is good in college and at the top of their position doesnt mean jack shit when going to the NFL, most college stars choke when they get there, its a HUGE step! Not saying he will, just dont assume he will be a NFL pro-bowler when you have block 285+ lb d-lineman that rep 500lbs 20 times and run 4.5 40 LOL.

I think line positions are a bit different though.

He’s gotta work hard… no doubt about it. But he’s just as big as anyone in the NFL and he’s actually pretty fast for a guard.

We’ll see, He’s got his pro day then has to be invited to the nfl combine.

I’d say best case scenario high 2nd round, worst case scenario- undrafted free agent.

BTW He plays against college players like Suh, Pierre-Paul, Clayborn, Kerrigan… All of people who showed they can perform against NFL talent… He actually went up against Ryan Kerrigan in Purdue in practice sometimes and did pretty good. The same Ryan Kerrigan who was in talks for defensive rookie of the year.

@Murrdogg, He did alot of crazy shit while palying highschool, I think they actually let him run the ball a couple times lol

I’m a huge College and Pro Football fan and have been following this kid closely for a couple years. He def has potential to be a mid to late round pick depending upon how he does at his pro day, or combine if he gets invited (not sure if he will).

I’m a little perplexed why someone who’s first priority is football would consider attending a more academic college like Purdue. Ryan Kerrigan spoke about how extremely difficult it was juggling academics and football while he was at Purdue.

Also, I"m a huge Redskins fan so I know a tremendous amount about Kerrigan, kid is an absolute animal and him and Orakpo are going to be one of the two best pass rushers on the same defense for the next ten years (just need to get rid of Sexy Rexy and keep the defense off the field).

Anyways, I wish your friend alot of luck and will continue to keep my eye on him in the upcoming months leading up to the draft.

Kenny… Hoping he does great. One of the nicest guys you will ever meet as well.

This is what I read and thought what you were referring to. Sorry Didn’t mean to get you all worked up. I wasnt bashing on him at all.

ESPN’s Mel Kiper listed Plue as his fifth-best offensive guard prospect among non-seniors.

One of the ESPN bloggers said it best: Even the best college team would get destroyed by the worst NFL team.

Good luck to him.

Oh yeh man I think Kiper said that when Plue was a sophomore thought I remember reading that a long time ago.