My gf needs a job.

I remember when I had Jenn hook her up with a job and she fucked that up good.

hahaha that made me laugh. jobs where u can fuck with people like that are the shit.

i kno i kno… she can join the national guard ( i get $2000 bonus for getting some1 to sign up) she’d get a few grand sign on bonus, not have to worry about paying for school AND GET PAIED TO GO TO SCHOOL!!!

sweet deal HUH!!!

pm me…lol

what about a stripper job? they make good money. and US side dosen’t ahve to get all the way naked

NA300zx… If you don’t mind me asking, what type of contract/debts do you collect on? If you would rather, you can PM me.

pm sent…

i’m leaving the computer now…will check again tonight in case you have anything else you need…

i could use a personal assistant, and im looking to pay top dollar

exactly how personal? i might be interested if you’re serious.

Theres going to be a new ray laks honda opening in lancaster. I heard they are still looking for staff. Maybe it woudl pay better then the harley dealer.

Delphi is hiring in Lockport.

900NA, best post of the day, omg :lol:

Check placement agencies like Adecco as well. I landed my current job through Adecco Technical, earning $14/hour with regular OT, its something I like and will probably be hired on full time by Citigroup (who I’m temping for) in the next month with a salary of atleast $35k/year. And this was all on a whim after being unemployed for 3 months.

She sounds like she’s willing to try most anything (within reason), so make sure she doesn’t pass up any oppurtunity.

i REALLY hope youre kidding.

the process required to get a job at delphi takes about a year.

First: you fill out an app.
THEN: it gets sent to detroit to go thru what they like to call a “lottery” process
THEN: if said application gets picked you can go for an interview, which then decides whether you get a job or not

ALSO: you cant even submit an application unless an immediate family member (mother, father, grandparent, etc.) is a current or retired employee. with a referral

i only know all this because my father worked at Harrison Radiator/Delphi as a mechanical engineer for almost 38 years. Even with his connections and all the people he knows in the company nationa and worldwide, it helped me none. he gave me the idea a couple years back, obviously didnt work out to well.

sidenote: one of my friends was the last person hired in the factory there…4 years ago. from what i know at least.

I heard Delphi will be hiring through Addeco at 14 an hr by the end of the year.

That was then, this is now. Employees all got one referal form for temporary work. No detroit B.S. this time. Considering Delphi is bankrupt, and facing the possibility of a strike, do you really want to apply? 100 people were recently drug tested (hair sample), FORTY FAILED.

whos your father/what division did he work for? I work with alot of Delphi engineers :tup:

Bob Hagen. he retired my senior year in high school which wouldve been about 5 years ago last month he retired