My gf needs a job.

Please note, all “i’ve got a job for her” comments really aren’t funny because we aren’t in middleschool anymore. If you need to get them out of your system, at least post some pertinent information as well.

She works at harley davidson right now, making shit for money. Something like a receptionist or secretary. She can type very quickley, but, unfortunately, has no work experience other than a retail position. Let me know if you know of anything.


I’ve got a job for her … in my pants!

she’s got enough attitude and is smart enough to go into collections. I bet she’d end up making about 30 - 35k a year doing that.

hmmm, collections, eh. where does one obtain more info on this?

ive got a job for her…

but i live far away.

i think andy (NA300ZX or whatever) does collections. mayb he could give u some info.

yeah easiest place in the u s to get a job is collections.

just loook up collection agencys in the phone book …

honestly they all hire quickley. the one she works at will depend on where she wants to travel.

get a copy of todays buffalo news, it has the job finder in there today

^ word. every Tuesday has Job Finder. If you happen to miss these posts before 4am wednesday morning (when all the grocery stores get wednesday papers) you can check out

What does she WANT to do?

she wants to make more money so she can save up to go to school, she will do whatever.

I meant, in the future… what does she want to go to school for? Usually there are jobs out there that will give you useful skills in your future career and pay decent, but they have to be sought out.

I will post again if i think of anything.

ive got a job for her

“i don’t know”

that kinda thing.

newman called me a bit ago…

earlier somebody mentioned her potential to make 30k or so in a year, that’s very possible, but i didnt wanna say that and have her end up making 20k a year or less…

i work for NCO Group, in the crosspoint business park, on crosspoint ave. off of north french right off of the 990, starting pay is 8 an hour, you have a monthly goal you have to collect…once you hit that goal, a percent of everything you collect above and beyond it goes toward your bonus check.

so, you have a goal of $5000, you collect $9000, commission rate is 25%, so 25% of the $4000 she went over goal = $1000 bonus…they rape you on taxes, so unless she went exempt for the bonus check she’d prob only see $650 of the bonus or so, but you get it all back at the end of the year anyway, so it doesnt bother me…i like getting $XXXX back in april, right around the time when i usually get shit for my car :wink:

pay is bi weekly, if you want a raise, all you have to do is ask for it…after3 months, and they will give it to you. the catch? have to hit for those three months in a row what your goal WOULD BE if you were to take that raise…and to figure this out, there’s a formula that is used.

[(hourly wage x 40 hour work week x 52 weeks in a year) / 12 months in a year] all times your “factor” = your goal.

your factor varies from department to department…so the banks that are very easy to collect on, like people freshly in collections that wanna pay, have higher factors, thus making their goal higher, since it’s easier for you to get there…while departments that call people that have been in collecitons for years have lower factors, becaues that kinda shit is harder to collect on, making it harder to hit a higher goal…this results in it being for the most part fair throughout the building…(well thats what they tell you, but in reality there is a clear advantage being in a better department where it’s easier to collect on the acounts)

an example would be capital one’s department, factor of 3 (and we’ll assume you still make the starting 8 an hour pay), so:

[(8 x 40 x 52) / 12] x 3 = (16640 / 12) x 3 = 1386.6667 x 3 = $4160 is the goal…

now, say she wanted to go to $10 an hour…this would mean that for 3 months in a row, she would have to collect $5200 a month for 3 months in a row, and then it would be her decision…she can: A) stay at $8 an hour, guarentee she hits her goal since she’s already surpassing it, and just stick with getting bigger monthly bonuses since she’s going higher over her goal, or B) take the raise, the sure bet of making more money…but most likely bonus less because she’s just raised the stakes on herself…

say you hit the higher goal for 3 months, and take the raise, but then have a bad month, and dont hit your new goal…you do not lose the raise right away, everybody has bad months…you have i think a 2 month grace period before you have to go back down to $8 an hour…

the lowest of the low make 8 an hour with maybe 250 a month bonus or so, i make less than that because i’m part time, and they hate part time people…and no longer hire for part time, and i dont think they will really be willing to let people switch from full time to part time any more like i did…

the most i’ve seen made is like some of the people in the leet department, citibank, who make $24 an hour, and still bonus about $5000 or so a month, on average… :pimp:


we are opened monday, tuesday, wednesday, and thursday from 8AM to 9PM, friday from 8AM to 5PM, and saturdays from 8AM to 12 noon…there are some days though where saturdays we’re opened til 2 or 4, some nights til 10pm, some fridays til 7pm, and even some sundays from 9 AM to Noon…

a typical work week is 3 mornings (including friday, since only one shift is available friday), 8am to 5pm, with hour unpaid lunch from noon to 1, or 1 to 2, depending on who is there to watch the phones…
and then 2 nights, Noon til 9PM, or during the summer you can choose to work 11AM to 8PM instead…with lunch from 3-4pm, or 4-5pm, or 5-6pm, again…depending on who is there to watch the phones…

last saturday of every month is mandatory 8 - noon, along with one other saturday of your choice (unless it’s a month with 5 saturdays, then you have 2 you have to do besides the last of the month), but the following week you get to shave an hour off every day, or take a half day…

finally, every 2 hours you get a paid 10 minute break (mine are usually 15 - 20 minutes depending on my supervisor’s mood)…so basically your average day could be 8AM to 10AM work, 10AM to 10:15 AM break, 10:15 AM to 12PM work, 12Pm to 1PM lunch, 1Pm to 3 PM work, 3PM to 3:15PM break, 5Pm go home…

hope this helps, and also goes for anybody else interested in the job…just make sure you contact me for more info or if you’re serious about it, i can get anybody the job, i’ve been there nearly 2 years now, which is a long time for that place…plus, for recruiting i do get a bonus, part of which is used to treat whoever gets me that bonus out for a few drinks or mighty taco or whatever…

collections = not steady income

and it takes a certain type of person to do well in collections…


lol honestly though… maybe try a loan refinancing place? HP funding?

very very true, it is not for everyone by any means, which is why i made a special note that me having been there for 2 years is a long time in that place…there are three groups of people at NCO from what i’ve seen…

1 - those that have been there for at least 5 years…some up to 20+ years, and before that worked in collections elsewhere…

2 - those that get the job because they’ll hire almost anybody that can read, speak english ,and do basic math…but quit no more than 3 to 6 months after training because they just can’t deal with it

3 - the people like me, that are just there inbetween careers…i still go to school, and do not want to spend my life collecting debts from dead beats (nothing personal to any of you that are in collections…but i deal with some people that really suck at life on a regular basis)…

i like it a lot…being able to yell back at people that yell at you, to make them cry, to make them realize how much they suck, there’s not many other jobs out there that let you do that…

them - “this is horrible customer service, you need to learn how to treat people better”

me - “this isn’t customer service at all…i dont owe you a thing, not even respect, pay your bill, i’m not asking, i’m telling you to”

them - “let me talk to your supervisor, this is horrible customer service”

me - “sure thing, but dont try telling him that it’s horrible customer service…he’s not as nice at me”

supervisor - “this is not customer service, you are a debtor, i do not have to give you anything or do anything for you…are you going to pay your bill or do i have to recommend the bank take’s legal action against you?”

them - HOPEFULLY sobbing, swearing, or slamming phone down…

God i love this job

have her check geico

oh man, I’d love to be in collections. I have bent up rage towards the customers at the store I work at. Retail + Collections = good karma. lol