my internet keeps timing out

i have to refresh every page like 8x to finally get them to load… anybody have any idea why…?

btw im on a wireless router… and i have adelphia…

try resetting your modem and router?

ok i had to refresh 4 times to get the reply page to load… this is time warner fucking us over with there slower internet speeds… thank god my parents are gonna be getting dsl

its probably your router or pc.

i’ve reset both, and my pc was reformattted last week… my room mate is wired in and hes having the same problem… what gives?

try pinging sites

go to your tools/internet settings/ under temporary internet settings click settings/ the at the top click every visit to the page.

fill the case with lighter fluid, power on. solves it everytime.

Want me to check it out after work Will? Besides I still need to get that remote that I keep forgetting about.

do we have access to buffalo yet?

when do u get out of work… your welcome to stop by and pick up the remote… just call my cell first to make sure im home

Should be out around 6ish, I’ll call you then. :tup:

Stop looking at pr0n

upgraded firmware and it seems to have improved a lot