Just got Fios...Mozilla on my laptop is slow as balls..

Just got Fios last Thursday but the past couple days, Mozilla has been really slow uploading sites. Not sure whats going on here as I’ve run virus scanners, malware scanners, adware scanners and nothing has come up. It was running great up until my buddy installed wireshark(sp?) in attempt to get my dads computer hooked up via a wireless bridge connector with no luck.

I looked for the file and couldn’t find it to uninstall so I don’t think that has anything to do with it. I’ve talked to him tonight and he thinks something could be taking up the bandwidth causing my browsing speeds to be slow. I had roadrunner power boost before which was slower compared to Fios which ran at 15mbps download/2mbps however the Fios we got is 15mbps/5mbps.

Anyone have any suggestions to anything that could be slowing my browser? I do have a great connection too as I’m currently sitting at 5 full bars running at 5.5mbps in my room which is 30-40ft from the router.

run that and post the results.

i have fios and i got 12.81 download, 5.47 upload going to new york,NY

If I could load the site I would however it keeps timing out on me. I’m really baffled because I can go into the room where the modem is and it would be normal and fast. I can cruise online with ease however once I walk about 30 feet down the hall, it slows way down even though I have 4-5 bars on my signal strength.

sounds like a router issue, not a Fios issue.

Reset your router

Do you have any proxy settings set for any reason?

So let me get this straight

Your wireless works great in the room with the router and the more you move away the slower it gets?

Your buddys mad skillz with wireshark couldn’t fix the issue?

Try running a constant ping to your router from the room ping -t from the cmd and see if you lose packets from the other room.

Maybe you have lead paint?

I do. I wonder if that’s why WiFi is spotty in my house.

I’d say either the walls have metal or something on/in them impeding the signal or your router needs a pimp smack. How do you have the antenna/s pointed?

Like I said “The website loads slow” isn’t really a great way to troubleshoot

Try the constant ping like I mentioned

I’ll try it tonight after work. If there was an issue with the walls blocking the signal, wouldn’t my signal strength on my laptop show it? I’m getting a great signal from the wireless, the websites are loading at the speed of dialup. I’ll run cmd when I get home.

Signal would be weak as the walls blocked it.

google chrome is way faster than firefox.

I dont like either, both harder to read than ie

start here, report back.

Maybe the transmit is weak on your wireless card?

Are you trying to use this next to some older 2.4ghz phone? baby monitor? microwave? bluetooth? nuclear reactor?

Just wanted to add I too have Fios and haven’t seen any issue with wireless signal strength in my house. I went from a WAP54G when I had Time Warner to what ever Verizon provided.

I am debating putting the WAP54G up in my attic in repeater mode for stronger signal out by the pool though. :pimp:

Outdoor access point?

just do a cantenna
