Wireless internet help

Ok so I have FIOS wireless in the house and the last few days it has been running like shit. I’m lucky if I get 24mbps speed and a good connection. I reset the router, re installed my usb wireless adapter, and thats about it.

The antenna is point right at my room so I know its not me a complete moron and pointing away from everything. I look at the task manager and I don’t even utilize 1% of the network.

WTF is wrong with my pos??

plug the laptor into the router using a ethernet cable and see if its faster.
If it is then the router is to blame.
If it is not the maybe Verizon is servicing the lines or something… check website for status or call in and say WTF

Are you talking about the linkspeed with the wireless adapter?

No deal on ethernet. The fuckers put the router in the basement by the sump pump. The house is 100 years old so ethernet hook isn’t an option.

I think. I can’t get shit for signal or connectivity.

Well…I guess you can try to get a high powered wireless access point and wire it into the router that came with the FIOS setup.

Should I really need to do that? My computer and wireless router can’t be more than 20-30 feet apart. Should I try a different type of wireless usb?

have a friend bring a laptop over and see what kind of connection he gets.
Troubleshooing anything consists of systematically eliminating possibilities one by one and not groping in the dark.

Approach the problem properly

Laptop it is for starters then. Appreciate the input guys. Thanks.

I use to have a similar problem, might be location, move your computer right next to it and see what your signal is like, My location gets 80% signal if I move it 1 foot to the left no signal at all mine is touchy

Wait… Isnt 1% network utiliztion in windows mean that you are using 1% of what your network card can do or something? And 24mbps is one hell of a connection. Thats freaking fast by US standards man, i get under 4 on freeking cable… Pointing the antennas towards you isnt going to do shit. And wired wont help. It looks like your using all you got, its just your network card is capable of doing more. Do you know if your running a, b, g, or n?

If your computer is old and slow, then its it slowing down your internet. It cant display the pages as fast as it can get the info.

He means the card is connecting at 24mbps not a speedtest result.

AKA when your network card is capable of 10mbps/100mbps etc.

Oh word? It could be limited on the router, or your just not getting a good enough signal for it to go higher. Crappy router or card in your laptop?

Does it work normally a inch away from the thing?