Just got Fios...Mozilla on my laptop is slow as balls..

I danced around the idea that maybe my wireless card is going, but wouldn’t that cause a shitty signal or cause the signal to fluctuate(sorta speak)? But its constant green 4-5 bars in my room. Plus the laptop is only a year old.

I forgot to mention that when my friend was helping my dad setup wireless on his computer downstairs for work, he hooked up our old linksys router to the Fios modem. The next day when I talked to Verizon, they told me to unhook it as it can cause IP issues or something. This caused me to believe that maybe my IP address changed on my laptop so it’s not picking up the IP from Fios? I’m probably talking out my ass but any information is better than none.

My laptop isn’t setup next to anything like a baby monitor, other computer, router, or nuclear reactor(at least i dont think so) but it is connected next to my TV and verizons basic cable box. It’s this little box that connects Fios with the basic cable that was already in my house to begin with and then that connects to the TV. I’ve turned it off and on and off again thinking it was that but still my web browser loads slow.

I should just use this as an excuse for a new laptop ;).

Pretty basic but have you tried clearing your cache/cookies/temp files?
That IP talk from Verizon leads me to believe you’re fully on your own and they don’t know shit. LOL

My cookies/cache/history all get deleted when I close the browser. I’m not an IT wiz so he basically told me to remove the linksys or else it will screw something up, so I did.

What don’t you seem to understand?

If your standing next to the wireless router it works great.

If you move away it doesn’t work correctly.

I don’t know why anyone else is suggesting browser or other fucking issues its pretty clear that its a wireless issue.

Like said that wifi meter in XP is based on the signal your computer is seeing not round trip or your ability to transmit.

This is why I asked you to do a ping test close to the router then in the other room.

You could try uninstalling the driver, then rebooting. I doubt it would do anything, but your first step should be doing what LZ said and doing a constant ping close to the router then move farther away. It sounds like distance/interference is killing you. Maybe a stronger wireless card is in order. I had one of those USB linksys adapters and that had a pretty good range.

Yep, didn’t have time to last night, but I get out of work in an hour so It’ll be the first thing I do when I get home. I’ll post the results asap.
